Troops In Iraq People Leave Bush

George Bush is doing the right thing by keeping our U. S. troops in Iraq. President Bush declared the war over, but that is not going to keep the people of Iraq from fighting.

Things are still unstable over there, and many Iraqi people dislike the Americans and would gladly try to hurt us. The troops should not leave until we are sure the ringleaders of the terrorist attacks are eliminated. George Bush is just trying to do what is best for our country. The troops must remain until we are sure it is safe to leave the Iraqis alone without “U. S.

supervision.” The people who were in charge of the terrorist attacks are still out there possibly plotting against the U. S. We have to get rid of them before our troops can return and we can be safe. Bush did say the war was over, but that is not going to stop the Iraqis from doing anything that they have been planning.

The troops are just ensuring our safety. It is just a good idea to leave them there a bit longer until we are sure that everything is okay over there and that the U. S. people are safe from Saddam Huseain and his followers. In conclusion, this war should not be over until the Iraqi’s have established a stable government and Saddam Huseain is captured. It is a good idea to leave the U.

S. troops in Iraq to help ensure the safety of our country. We have to show terrorist leaders that we are a force to reckoned with and we will fight back.