Truman And The Atom Bomb

In 1945, an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and followed by another on Nagasaki a few days later ending WWII. President Truman’s decision to use the bombs is often criticized by many. Some historians say that the bomb was necessary and others strongly debate the issue. Many researchers say that they were not necessary. They argue that there were alternatives to the bomb such as “naval blockade, modifications of the unconditional surrender terms, conventional bombing, and waiting to see if the Soviet’s entry into the war would prompt the Japanese to surrender.” I personally disagree with this opinion because I think that the naval blockade and conventional bombing wouldn’t have made a big enough change, modification of the surrender terms would have cheated the U.

S. out of things, and waiting longer could ” ve taken a long time. General George C. Marshall agreed with the bombs and thought that an additional invasion would be necessary. He noted that a raid with conventional bombs in Japan previously had no effect whatsoever. Following this point, it is said that “it took another six days after the second atomic bombing…

before Hirohito cited the “new and most cruel bomb” in announcing the surrender.” Marvin Fletcher explains that the U. S. knew that Japan had no intent to surrender and that dropping the bombs to prove that the Japanese had lost the war was a necessary choice. Fletcher continues to say that in his mind, the number of Americans and Japanese deaths would have been higher following invasion plans versus the numbers from the bombing of Hiroshima. I agree with Marshall and Fletcher’s opinions fully.

Dropping the atomic bombs took six long days to force the Japanese to surrender. It would have turned out differently if the U. S. had continued the invasions and conventional bombings. As for those opposed to the bombings, they mainly believe that it was unnecessary. Alonzo Hamby says that “the denounces of the atomic bombing are joined by many aggrieved Japanese who see themselves as victims of a terrible and indiscriminate weapon.

All humane individuals would prefer that the bomb had not been used.” But if we reason with what was said from Truman, (he “hoped there was a possibility of preventing an Okinawa from one end of Japan to the other.” ) we realize that he wanted to save American lives. Eleanor Roosevelt told a memorial service audience that “Truman made the only decision he could when he ordered the use of the atomic bomb. It was necessary to use the bomb to avoid tremendous sacrifice of American lives.” Truman was a WWI veteran and knew what the battlefield was like. It was estimated that 46, 000 Americans would have been killed in invasions of both islands. For some reason, people educated of this still disagree with the use of the atomic bombs.

While the atomic deaths were horrifying, Professor Donald Jordan says that they were not unrivaled. Jordan shows that the deaths from the atomic bomb were simply “pale shadows” to the deaths from the Japanese military’s systematic killings and abusing of the 1937 Rape of Nanjing. I think that if more people were educated on everything on both sides, they would see more use of the bombs. Many other countries vary on who they see as the victims of the whole issue. The Chinese and Koreans say, “The rest of Asia was the victims.” I don’t necessarily agree with this, but then again, I am not fully educated on what went on in surrounding countries.

Even though almost 24, 000 Japanese were killed, I think that dropping the atomic bombs were necessary. I don’t think that waiting for the Japanese surrender would have been as effective- nor do I think that sticking to invasions would have worked as well. If we were to modify the terms of the unconditional surrender agreement, it wouldn’t really have been an unconditional surrender. I believe that the bombs were effective in the fact that they did a lot for the American people. Not only did it save lives, but it gave the people assurance that there was an American victory. Soon after the Nagasaki bombing, it was all done with for the Americans.

President Truman wanted to save lives and I think he did just that. By researcher’s calculations, more deaths would ” ve occurred in land and sea invasions, but by dropping the bombs, the American lives were saved. In closing, I respect Truman for his decision of dropping the atomic bombs on Japan.