For many of us, most psychologists and psychiatrists will acknowledge the fact that transsexualism has its origins in some biologic condition. In studies there have been findings that transsexualism lies in the brain, and is likely a neurologic / neuro physical disorder. There have been many stories based upon transsexualism. What actually is transsexualism and what is the meaning behind it all?
“Transsexualism is a condition in which a person experiences a discontinuity between their assigned sex and what they feel this core gender is.” (Ehrhardt 1) However, a person who is identified as “female” at birth raised as a girl may later on feel that their core senses are in closer fit with “male” or “man.” Therefore, many individuals who feel this way usually decide to transition to living as the sex that more closely matches their internal gender.
“Transsexuals are people whose gender falls between the commonly perceived categories of male and female- a person whose soul gender is different from their chromosomal or physical gender.”
Most transsexuals and most psychologists specialize in an area to determine that gender is not as straightforward a condition as people think. There are three ways in which gender can be identified.
First is “The gender of the chromosomes.” Second is “The gender of the physical body” and lastly, is “The gender of the soul.” All three of these identities have a way to find a person’s gender easier. “It is to say that transsexual has not made a choice to be as he is but, rather that the choice is made for him which is beyond his control.”
Then perhaps we should consider changing the body to fit the mind.” (web) “Many professionals have come to share the view of what one doctor had said, that is, if the mind cannot be changed to fit the body, then perhaps we should consider changing the body to fit the mind.” (web)
There is such a thing for treatment for transsexualism. Treatments for transsexualism are based on attempting to change individual’s sense of their own true gender and having proven ineffective. “The only viable option if they are to achieve psychological relaxation is to undergo surgery, so that their gender can be (usually permanently) physically transformed.” (Kastl 4) These treatments are based upon to help the person’s body to match their sense of their gender. Medical steps include hormonal treatment and / or surgery. There are a variety of surgical options to choose from to help the person achieve the greatest comfort with their gender expression.
Moreover, when the surgery is complete these people have the right to change their name.” Many transsexual people work with the courts in their area to achieve legal recognition of their new name and gender.” (web)
There is a huge disadvantage in the term “transsexualsim.” Transsexualsim is easily confused with sexual variation. It is very important to make the difference between sex as having sex and sex as in the biological difference between a man and a woman.
“The sense of belonging to a particular sex, biologically, psychologically is called “gender identity.” Gender identify is the private experience of gender role, and gender role is the public expression of gender identity. What does this mean? It is explained as saying, having a private experience of gender role means keeping how you feel confidential from others. Now, having a public expression means the opposite. It means opening yourself to the public on how you feel and how you would like to look.
The current research related to my topic is fairly updated. There has been many different studies to determine the causes of transsexualism. It seems that the current research that I investigated is still to say that, there no answers in what causes transsexualism. Although, the only hypotheses towards this condition is to blame it on the functioning of the brain and the endocrine glands that go along with other environment factors. Another current issue that is related to my topic is the term “Transsexualism.”Transsexualism is the most current term being used. The term transgender is more and more used as an umbrella term for transvestism, transgender, and transsexualism.”
(Ehrhardt 3)
The relevance of this research in terms of women’s studies is to declare some knowledge and understanding about “Transsexualism.” It can be very confusing to understand the meaning behind Transsexualism.
It has been pointed out, that transsexualsim refers to the condition of an individual with sexual differentiation.
Women’s studies are known to talk about certain standards that have to do with the sexual characteristics based upon the individuality of a male and female.
My sense of the research on Transsexualism is to have an understanding of the people who have this problem. There are a great deal of people that have to live with being transsexual.
Even though it seems rare, there seems to be a lot of publicity in today’s society on transsexualism. Lately, I have been hearing more and more stories of people that have to deal with this. By exploring the research on this topic, I feel that it is amazing how this can happen and how there are ways a person can alter their body parts from a male to female or female to male.
What I originally set out to do was to gain some information and some knowledge that would better define the term “Transsexualism.” Transsexualism is basically an on going thing that seems to happen with really no intentions of how.
At the present time, the vast majority of people would are “transsexual” do indeed have options that can alter parts of their body so they can have the sex they want, so they can live comfortably. “Transsexuals are not only uncomfortable with their assigned sex, but have the sense of belonging to the opposite sex.” (Kastl 5)
Money J, Ehrhardt AA. Man and Woman, boy and girl. Baltimore, University Press (1972)
Kastl, Rebecca Transsexualism: Nature Vs Nurture (2000)
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