Throughout centuries humans have attempted to increase their form of living in their society. Influential people such as John Locke, Baron de Montesquieu, and have set a stage for technological advances that made a major impact on how people look at the world. These important theologians have different views on nature as well as the different kinds of government that they proposed. Each one of these philosopher’s ideas have influenced the modern American government of today.
John Locke’s philosophy was that every human is born equal. He believed that knowledge comes to us by going through experiences. Locke’s view that experiences produces ideas. Everyone is born with an empty mind ready to acquire knowledge through the five senses. He said that ideas come from two sources. One of them is sensation that provides ideas about the external world and reflection or introspection, which provides the ideas of the internal workings of the mind.
According to Locke, man existed in a “state of nature.” Which means that it is one with peace, good will, mutual assistance and preservation. He believed that humans are born with a good heart which is directly opposite of the vines of Thomas Hobbes. John Locke was also very influential on the political side. He stated that if the government fails to meet the needs of the people or protect their natural rights (liberty, freedom and the pursuit of happiness) the citizens have the right to withdraw their support and overthrow the government Both the government and the society is here to preserve the individual’s rights. Locke proposed a democratic government and his democratic ideas had a direct impact on the writing of the Declaration of Independence. For example, his beliefs about men’s natural and unalienable rights is stated in the first paragraph of the Declaration.
This clearly proves that the writers of the Declaration of Independence adopted Locke’s ideas which can still be seen today. The modern day government is still a democratic government in which all citizens have a say. A second influential philosopher was Thomas Hobbes. He viewed that the original state of nature was nasty, brutish and short. His beliefs were opposite of Locke’s. He believed that human beings desire power to live well.
He said that they are not ever satisfied with the power they have and would desire for more. He also believed that humans are created equally. He stated that when two people want the something they would destroy eachother to get what they want and he calls this war. He said that there are three causes for war, competition, distrust and glory. Hobbes ideal government is one in which one-person rules or an assembly appointed by other people.
He believed that a common power would keep the people united and suppress foreign enemies. It will also ensure peace and a common defense. The people would submit their wills to their ruler and the ruler would in turn assure their self-preservation. Hobbes ideas can be seen on today’s government.
The president can be an example because the citizens look up to him and he is our guide into a successful country. Finally, another significant philosopher is Baron de Montesquieu. Besides Locke, he also openly disagreed with Hobbes belief that humans are in nature at war. Montesquieu believed that war comes from the formation of a society and not from human nature. He stated that human form societies to ensure protection and security. When man joins up together the power increases and nothing would bring them down.
Montesquieu believed strongly that there should be a system of checks and balances to prevent tyranny and absolutism. This system is used to keep any branch from becoming more powerful then the other. He stated three types of government. The first is the republican form. This form of government should be used in a small state having democratic powers using representation to elect government officials.
The second is Monarchial form which is used in a medium sized state. This form has a king that follows the rules that have been already established. The third form is the Despotic form which is for a large sized state. There would be a tyrant ruling in this form of government who rules through fear without regulations.
Montesquie’s system of check and balances was very influential. It is used in the modern government of today. This idea was very successful even through today. This system prevents strict authority resting in one’s own hands.
In conclusion, the ideas of John Locke, Thomas Hobbes and Baron de Montesquieu has affected the formation of governments throughout centuries.