War With Iraq Lets World Country

So let me get this straight. Our new foreign policy should be one of “the world’s isolationist policeman.” You quote Mike Savage’s philosophy of “border, language, culture” which, I think you (or anyone) could agree is about as isolationist as one can get. On the other hand we support the “factual evidence of the Iraqi / al queda threat” presented by Sec. Powell today at the UN.

Threat to who? Our “border, language, and culture”? Do we really feel threatened by Iraq? I don’t. In my opinion, they are more dangerous to our position without a direct threat. This problem would be easy with a “smoking gun.”There is no smoking gun.” In fact, these are the exact words of the administration. Unfortunately, the Bush administration has maeauvered themselves into a position where the war is inevitable. The war will come and we will “win.” A “war” with Iraq is justified but NOT if you embrace the Savage philosophy of “border, language, and culture.” If we are the world’s policeman, lets say so, as the Romans did 2500 years ago. If not, lets heed the advice of those outdated “Founding Fathers”, to avoid “foreign entanglements.” My policy is this: (1) Iraq is NOT a direct threat to the US.

(2) If the US is attacked or directly threatened by Iraq, lets kick their ass. (3) If the US is not attacked or directly threatened by Iraq, what’s the big deal? The problem now is, as mentioned above, that if we don’t go to war we will be seen as lacking resolve. So the war will come. It will be a lop-sided military victory. That’s the easy part. The “connection to terrorism” argument is a good one but in my mind it applies most to Saudi Arabia.

There is tons of solid evidence to this effect. Indisputable evidence. That country eventually will be proven to be the biggest enemy of the United States. The majority of money and support for the 9/11 terrorists came from that nation. The majority of money and support for Osama bi ladin (and every other anti-American terrorist organization in the world) comes from that country.

This is an indisputable fact. The administration has acknowledged it. Previous administrations has acknowloged it. Saudi Arabia is the heart and birthplace of Islam and the most fundamentalist Muslim country in the world. Because they allow our military on their soil we kiss their ass. Its a humiliating insult to our country.

If its about oil lets say it. If its not lets put them to the test. They are either “for us or against us.” When are they gonna prove it? If we ” re gonna “go it alone” lets do it. Drop SA.

Lets see who they run to. The fundamentalists or the west? If we ” re going settle things over there lets draw a line in the sand. Those Saudi assholes are the biggest problem in the region. We ” re in a great position now. If we can just resist rushing into war without appearing pensive we will win the “big” victory in the long run. If you don’t think public and world opinion is important during military action just remember Viet Nam..