The events that triggered the First World War began with the assassination of the Archduke and his wife. However, this was not the main cause, there were many other conflicts, which bewildered Europe played a contribution in the outbreak of world war one. At the start of the 20 th century the countries of Europe were increasingly hostile to each other. Britain, France and Germany competed with each other for trade and influence while Austria-Hungary and Russia both tried to dominate Balkans. Military tension between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia both tried to dominate Balkans. Military tension between Germany, Austria-Hungary, France and Russia all led up to the war, which we all now know as World War One.
It all occurred on the fateful day of 28 th June 1914. The heir to the Austrian-Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie made a visit to Bosnia, which was a troubled province of Bosnia. On the morning to 28 th June terrorists attacked the royal couple in Sarajevo, the Bosnian capital. A bomb blast took the wheel off the visitor’s car but they were unharmed.
However, later their car took a wrong turning into a narrow alley and had to stop the car to back out. Unfortunately, teenage assassin Gavrilo Princip stepped forward and shot Franz Ferdinand and Sophie dead. Serbs dominated Bosnia. Bosnia was in control of Austria-Hungarian empire. This very much angered people like Gavrilo Princip. This assassination was a dramatic way of telling the government of Austria-Hungary that Bosnian wanted independence.
Unfortunately, the Austria-Hungarian government saw this assassination more than the Bosnian matter. The government believed that the Princip’s terrorist hated Serbia. When Serbia took some land during the Balkans wars, Austria-Hungary was threatened by its increasing size. It was also the support from Serbia to Bosnian nationalists. Russia’s close political links with Serbia created even more hate. The Austrian government used the assassination as an excuse for a showdown with Serbia.
On 28 June 1914 Austria sent an ultimatum that, if accepted Serbia could be part of Austrian-Hungarian province. Serbia refused the offer and Austria declared war on Serbia. The war, which broke out between Austrian empire and Serbia, created a pathway for other countries to join in the war. Serbia was under Russian protection, so Russia called up its armies. This was also the perfect opportunity for Russia to destroy Germany, who had always feared an attack from Russia.
Russia was allied to France and France was burning to avenge its defeat by Germany in 1870 with their Russian allies. Britain, which feared the growing powers of Germany and sent on ultimatum to Germany to withdraw and Germany ignored. Britain joined the rest of the European in war. The First World War broke out a rivalry between the world’s greatest powers. Britain, France and Russia were in 1 st rank while the Austria-Hungary, Italy, the Ottoman Empire and Japan were in 2 nd rank.
From 1870 s the powers formed alliances for greater security. The British, the French and the Russians supported each other and formed allies. The Germans, the Austrians and the Turks formed an alliance known as the central powers. The Italians at first chose to support the Germans and Austrians but changed sides. All the countries that made up the British Empire and those, which became independent supported Britain.
All over the world, nations lined up on one side or the other. As it has been shown, the whole of Europe was in an unstable state in 1914. The British and French were worried that Germany would attempt to seize parts of their Empires. The Russians were worried that Austrians would invade Serbia.
Also the Russians supported countries attempting to break away from Austrian rule. The Turks wanted to strengthen their own empire. No Body wanted a massive war but rivalry, imperialism, nationalism, jealousy and distrust all lead to build up to massive war. Hence, the assassination of Archduke was not the only the reason for outbreak for world war one.