In this essay, I aim to discover if WWI was stoppable or not. There is one rule which will make this easy to discover: if a trigger set it off, then the opening of the war was entirely dependent on that single thing. However, if the war began because of a trend, then the war began because this trend had been going on so long that it had reached boiling point, and something would have to be done. In this essay, I will be looking at several trends and triggers, and at the end, I will come to a conclusion, answering the original question. I am going to begin with the trigger that either relies strongly upon fate, or is just oddly coincidental. I am, of course, talking about the Austro/Hungarian heir to the throne Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Princess Sofie going to Sarajevo, in Bosnia, for their anniversary.
I believe that the fact that they got shot relied mainly upon their overwhelming ignorance. You see, Bosnia hated Austria-Hungary, and on hearing that the person who they most wanted killed and his wife were coming to their own country, it seemed like an opportunity too good to be missed. But the bit where coincidence (or fate) comes into play is when Franz Ferdinand’s driver takes a wrong turning, and a member of the Black Hand, who is intent on killing Franz, sees them. Of course, he doesn’t need to be told what he has to do. Shocked to his wit’s end, he jumps right onto the car, and shoots them both. Dead.
Consequently, Austria-Hungary declared war on Bosnia, and then all the allies of both sides heard about this, and eventually, the war began.