What Were The New Oppotunties For Women After 1870

What were the new opportunities for women after 1870? Work Many women now participated in shop work in large department stores. Many of these needed assistants and by 1907 over 1/2 million women were employed. Once post offices had been established these too needed women to act as clerks. However although women were being employed the hours were very long and the pay was very low. There were some advantages as it gave women some free time and independence. It was better than having to be a servant.

Office work was another main type of work for women. This consisted of being a typist, telephonist or an administrator. The women still had a fairly low status but it was better pay, although the hours were still long. Nursing was another career opportunity. Florence Nightingale established a whole new profession for women.

It became a respectable career and in the new hospitals they even started to employ female doctors by 1900. Home & Family By 1839 women gained custody over their own children and by 1857 were allowed to divorce their husband if necessary. Before it was seen a duty of a women to settle down with her husband and serve for him, never to depart. By 1870 women were allowed to own property and keep their earnings they made.

By 1921 there were birth control clinics, which resulted in women having as many children. This meant more time for women and independence, resulting in better health for all. Education Education became compulsory for both boys and girls after 1870 and to continue onto secondary school by 1902. University degrees were then on offer for girls by 1878. Allowing girls and women to have an education meant that there were now more teachers, doctors, nurses and lawyers. All these jobs however were done by middle class women opposed to lower class.

Teaching became a respectable job for women, however they did get paid less than men. There was a sudden growth in girl’s schools. All these factors meant more independence for women, which gained them a higher status. All this was a lead for the demand to vote.