President Wilson War German Nation

Around 1910 s, US, actually in the post-Reconstruction and the economic getting better than before. American hate the war, and the most progressivism advocated! ^0 Isolationism! +/-. Meanwhile, the war seemed to be end in nothing. The ! s election asserted that keep away from war.

But the thing changed, in 1915, the Lu stain the passenger line of Britian was attacked by German! s U-Boat, killed 1195 people include 128 Americans. Logically, President Wilson asked German, but Germany denied at first. Meanwhile, lots of international trade ship round-trip on the Ocean, the benefit no longer, because of Germany sunk them. The Isolationism could not protect the security of economy.

Finally, in 1917, US joined the World War I and President Wilson asserted that to flight for end the war. In President Wilson! s philosophy the only way to stop the war is said that was the! ^0 Great War! +/- President Wilson at tempter to stop the War and to keep the peace. He set out the 14 points and in the Treaty Versailles established the League of Nation. The propose of League og Nation was security and peace. In the treaty Versailles (the Paris Peace Conference) All of the Europe countries to be the member of League of Nation, but US did not join.

In the 1919, the year after the conference President Wilson persuade ly attempted to persuade the congress to pass that United States to be a member of Ally, but he failed. Furthermore, in the treaty Versailles set the German was guilty in World War I and German has to pay the reparation to the Allies and restrained the properties after world war I. The German reparation actually led to the Germany had hard time and a reason of World War II. In terms of reparation, US has not right to interfere. Finally, the peace kept a short time.

Because of far away from the battle, American became a main supplement county. American take all kinds of goods to the counties which are fighting the war. That led US getting better in economy, and US also dominate the League of Nation. Those points fulfilled the dreams of Woodrow Wilson.