Women In World War 2

This coursework on women during world war this coursework mainly looks how women were treated differently during World War 2 and what difficult conditions they and their family had to go through. Source A is from the BBC service in May 1941, what you can learn from source A is that the women were very determined to do their best and to pull their weight. It also mentioned that they had to make do with sacrifices such as the evacuation of their children and there husbands going out to help the Army and military services. It also mentions that women that all women should be involved and that many women should work and help replace the males in the workplace to keep Britain on its feet, this is strongly shown at the beginning of the source “Every women is needed to pull there weight around to the up most.” It also mentions that every woman has to make sacrifices such as loss of husband and loss of children and of course the rationing. This source also says that it isn’t just the services and armed forces that are winning the war it is also the women at home. The broadcast was mad by the BBC Home service on the radio by a member a member of the women institute.

This source is also greatly suggests that it weren’t just the men but also the women who played an important role in the war. With the men at war this meant women had many roles to play in the war such as work in factories and help build planes and artillery they also had to repair things such as cars in garages. Source B does support Source A by mentioning “That women a regarded as very important.” It also mentions that women are doing men jobs such as factory work. But the source doesn’t say things such as women making sacrifices or women having to pull there weight to help.

Quotes such as ” How women are regarded as very important.” This implies that women had to do very important jobs and roles during the war. And the quote “I did a mans job during the last world war and I enjoyed It.” Implies that they liked doing men jobs. Source A and B do both mention that the women had very important roles and jobs in the war. But the tones are different Source A is patriotic whilst Source B was sort a sarcastic tone.

Source A witch has more of a patriotic tone is mainly talking about freedom and saying that women are playing a very important part in the war. But Source B which is more of a sarcastic tone by saying or implying that women are playing a big part in the war but also implies that why are women important are important when the war starts and why is it that women are only considered important when the men are gone. It also goes on to say that if they do well and stick to it there maybe a reward after the war if they impress the government and that they may be considered more important. This is shown in this quote “women should get on with the job, and then ask for the good conditions that they are entitled to. During the Second World War the government were producing loads of leaflets and advertisements about cooking and food.

This was to make women more creative with there rations, they were also used as a form of propaganda saying that women are playing an important role in the war by being creative with there food supply and by growing there own food. They wanted women to grow their own food but especially potatoes this is backed up by source C this is written in the source “we must eat more potatoes, the government has large crops especially potatoes this is because potatoes are a healthy food and because they save shipping space.” The reason why they wanted to save shipping space was because of the battle of the Atlantic were the convoys were being attacked by the German U-Boats. They were also producing ads suggesting ideas for cooking using there rations so they would last a whole week not just a couple of days, these were shown as cartoons as shown in source E the leaflet shown in source E shows how they would be able to ration their food through out the week form Sunday when they receive their ration to Saturday. They were also releasing ads and leaflets saying that if they did ration their food they would get a medal, source D shows this very clearly and mentions things like this “A medal for this… Making delicious dishes from home grown vegetables with just a flavoring of meat or fish.” This also encourages women to grow their own food. Source B was a good source to show that these ads and leaflets were also used for a great deal of propaganda.

The women also had to work on farms as a part of the women’s land army there were also ads to get interested into joining the WLA. By saying that it was glamorous career but this was just all propaganda. They also produced leaflets to raise morale this is clearly shown in sources D and E. Source D mentions that women are playing an important role in the war with quotes like this “The British house wife is helping in making a second front” and source E showed that all the women were on the same boat and all making sacrifices. But Source D was clearer to talk about the propaganda used in the leaflets. They wanted to keep up the morale to stop women revolting so they wont give in and sign a treaty with the Germans and Hitler.

They also wanted healthy people because the government didn’t know how long the war would last; they wanted healthy people to replace Lost, Injured or Killed solders in the war. This is shown in source C “we must eat potatoes. The government has large crops specially potatoes because potatoes are a health food.” This shows that they wanted the UK public to eat healthy especially Potatoes. In conclusion the government produced loads of propaganda some more successful then others, the propaganda was to help them prepare food and to help boost morale. Sources F and G are quite useful sources showing what women’s role at war was. Source F was a popular song during the Second World War, and source G was women describing her experience during the Second World War she was speaking in 1983.

Source F was obviously propaganda the goal of the song was to increase morale and to increase the work ethic in women, the song was most probably written by the government or the war office who were in charge of propaganda. The song was made to try to encourage women to work in factories and places like oil derricks, this is shown with this line of the song “She’s the girl that makes the oil that oils the ring.”That works the thingamabob that makes the engine roar.” The song was suggesting that women were playing an important role in the war. The song was produced for average women to encourage them to work and to make their moral rise. This source was a very is a pretty useful source with suggestions of factory work and working with oil was mentioned in the song quite a lot.

Source G is a women talking about her experience during the second world war she spoke this out in 1983, 38 years after the war had ended. The women was saying that they were treated badly at the WLA this was basically the main topic throughout the paragraph nearly every line mentioned it, with quotes lie “They didn’t make it easy for you”, “We really weren’t welcome” and “we were worse treated then the services.” She also stated that sometimes they had to cycle 8 miles there and back to get to and back from work. She also said that it was pitch black when they got home. She also said that they were fed badly they ate nothing but sausages cooked in water for 9 months. This was shown from this quote ” All we had in the Army digs were sausages, everyday for nine months, she used to cook them in water they were horrible.” But she did speak way after the war had ended so here memory might not of been as good as it was and may of forgot some of the better times or she might have been over exaggerating and also it is only one person speaking but I still believe this source is very useful. In conclusion I think that Source G is the most useful because it’s out of someone’s direct experience.

This wasn’t used for propaganda because it was way after the war and she was badmouthing the system. Source F was used for propaganda mainly so therefore they would have been tuned up to make the jobs seem more glamorous. Source F stated that “The most important role of women was at home”, women played an important role in the war, in the factories and at home. Women had an important role in the factories for the first time since the first world war with all there male counterparts in the armed forces the were many jobs to keep Britain working. This was a very important part of the allies winning the war. This backs up source B that was written in the West Ham Gazette by a female member of the local council in west ham.

She went on to quote “that women should get on with the job, do it well, and then ask for the good conditions there entitled to.” She also says that this isn’t the first time this has happened the same sort of thing was done during world war one. The was also a popular song released about women at work shown in source F, it’s about women in factories and oil derricks etc, this song mentioned loads of important jobs that women did during the second world war. This was used a propaganda in media form but it wasn’t the only piece of propaganda to use media, but the were also 2 films released in 1942 by the ministry of information those were called “Night Shift” and ” Jane Brown changes her job.” These were shown at the cinema before the main feature and they were both about 15 minutes long! To do this great deal of propaganda must have meant it was important during the war. Source G is an old woman who worked in the WLA and spoke out in 1983 (38 years after the war) she spent the whole time mentioning how badly they were treated with quotes like. “They didn’t make it easy for you”, “We really weren’t welcome” and “we were worse treated then the services.” She also stated that sometimes they had to cycle 8 miles there and back to get to and back from work.

She also said that it was pitch black when they got home. She also said that they were fed badly they ate nothing but sausages cooked in water for 9 months. This was shown from this quote ” All we had in the Army digs were sausages, everyday for nine months, she used to cook them in water they were horrible.” The government made this job look glamorous you would often find yourself in a cottage with no electricity, gas or even running water. But to make a job this low of quality look so glamorous meant they needed as many workers as they could and that meant that this was a job that was very important during the war.

However to win the war women at home and even work had to make sacrifice, this is shown in source A which says that all women need to make sacrifices. It mentions that every woman has to make sacrifices such as loss of husband and loss of children and of course the rationing. It also mentions that women that all women should be involved and that many women should work and help replace the males in the workplace to keep Britain on its feet, this is strongly shown at the beginning of the source so source A does support both sides of the argument by mentioning Women at Work and at home. Source A also mentions about women needing to join the WLA because Britain was running low of supplies so they needed as many women farmers as possible.

Source C strongly backs this up by having quotes such as “Food is a weapon of war don’t waste it” This clearly shows that they shouldn’t waste anything that there given and if they don’t they will get a better chance of winning the war. Britain didn’t want to submit the Nazis. It also quotes that “women should use the food to the greatest advantage.” It also mentions women at home are playing a very major role in the winning of the war which is shown very strongly with this quote ” You women at home you are winning the war as much as your men folk in the forces.” Source C was saying that women should balance out there rations and make them last. This was very important at the time as Britain had only enough food to feed 1/3 of the population.

They had to import food from other countries but mainly America. But German U-boats blew up the majority of the ships sailing to Britain with much needed food during the battle of the Atlantic. Rations were very important at the time and Source D further backs this up. Source H strongly suggests women at home played the decisive role by actually saying it. They were so decisive because they coped with the rations and barley able to feed or clothe their own family.

If one revolted then the whole system could of fallen apart this source was very one sided. In conclusion, although women at home did an important job during the war being able to cope with the rations and not revolting really helped the Britain win the War. But I believe that the women in the factories played a bigger part of Britain winning the war with out food we would of surrendered to Hitler. And without war material like guns and tanks we would have been beaten to submission so I believe the women in the factories were the more important of the two.