Economics of 1492 – Discovering America by the Hellenes. The discovery of America, as every schoolboy knows, is credited to the Genoese navigator, Christopher Columbus in 1492. Actually CC discovered the Caribbean islands, and it was Englishman John C abbot who “discovered” the mainland 5 years later, landing in Newfoundland – Ed. But many historians believe that adventurers from other countries visited the New World long before that date. Some say Japanese fishermen, blown off course, Others say it was the Vikings. But there is a possibility that it was Greeks who first discovered that mighty land.
Did Columbus Really Discover America? For decades and decades, American history books and school teaching told us that Christopher Columbus discovered America. What those books and teachings did not give credit to was the fact that Native Americans were already here first and truly discovered America. Today, we celebrate Columbus day for what it accurately is. Columbus did discover the existence of the New World for Europeans who until then, believed the world was flat and ended somewhere in the Atlantic. And, the focus is more upon discovery of the “New World”, and less upon Columbus himself. Text of Abstract: Cost analysis of Columbus’ first trip to America.
The total cost was about 2. 000. 000 maravedis (1 ounce of gold = 300 maravedis) and have been financed by the king and Quinn of Spain, Greeks, Columbus family, people from Spain, Portugal, Italy and England. 1 dinero = 1, 5 maraveids and 1 ducat = 375 maravedis. You can find the drawings and the economic background of the first famous trip with the ships Santa Maria, Nini a and Pinta. The economic analysis includes the costs for the ships, crews (fees and payments), food etc.
Also there are many in formations about the economics of this period, the financing procedures and the coinage (Mediaeval Economics). Also many information about the maps of Columbus’s brother Bartholomew and Alexandro Zorzi [Zorzi]. They are three maps about these trips of Columbus to America and Alexandro Zorzi made the logical connection to Ptolemey’s maps. Academic announcement on Economics Bulletin is on: web > Gregory Zorzos – ~A~nc~a”u~nc’o AEth~nae”i’o web > web > web > web > P. O.
Box 75070 GR-17610 Kallithea Athens-Greece.