Some people would say that with all the obstacles that have endured, we couldn’t take on the loyalty of love. African Americans were even defined by white people as “chattel”, an item of movable personal property, (Slavery and Womanhood, Davis 170); therefore, African Americans were being judge from the beginning. Since being forced into servitude, with the anger we may carry, our ways of behaving may show a lack of respect we have for one another. Our history contains nothing but negativity. Perfect example is Ai K wei Armah explanation of African American history, “wreckage of our people… what has been cast abroad is not a thousandth of our history, even if its quality were truth”, (Two Thousand Seasons, Armah, 209).
Therefore, white people cast a believable statement of black love being non-existent. The African writers in, “African literature and Culture”, by Dr. Muna she Fur usa explains the serenity of men and women in relationships. As the reader, we are giving the self-confidence, compassion, and commitment both sexes reveal.
Most writers told many stories of women being extremely strong for their family. First reason would be due to the strong confidence women had for themselves and their family. Especially since the man of the house spent many hours working in the field, the women had to carry on as the authority figure of the home. Women had to be the one to take care of the children, keep the house clean and have dinner ready when the husband when he arrived home. All the above duties including attending to their master’s demands and whims were considered a normal everyday chore.
With all the hard work in one day given to the women and the children, took a great toll of tiresome days for every member of the household. However, as a downfall, women usually could not carry on without their husband in the household. Therefore, keeping the household together was a great task to do under such situations of their life style. First as the reader, we must define the word compassion so we have the correct meaning of the word, “Sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it”, (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). Many men showed women that the love they had for their mate was unbreakable, regardless of the situation.
Men stood by their women and women by their men. When a person confront their lover or friend and take to heart what he or she says, the couple help each other grow. Even when one has left the circle, the love of the two could still be felt from afar. Mama Yaya stated, the dead only die if they die in our hearts. They live on if we cherish them and honor their memory, if we place their favorite delicacies in life on their graves, and if we kneel down regularly to commune with them (Black Witch of Salem, Conde, 146). The love illustrate in Tituba’s writings, clearly tells the reader that love is stronger that anything a person could control.
A person may feel loved and make choices based on love. He or she would accept, adore, cooperate, and share more. A perfect example of immerse compassion is with Abena and Yao. Yao loved Abena so much he was willing to take responsibilities of a child that wasn’t his. Yao stated, While Abena stood there in front of him with her head hung low, Yao’s hearts filled with immerse compassion. It seemed to him that this child’s humiliation symbolized the condition of his entire people: defeated, dispersed, and auctioned (Black Witch of Salem, Condo 144).
The more a couple share, the more they develop judgment, competence, and individuality and actively show these act of love to their beloved, who lovingly yet honestly shares reactions. Use this feedback to raise the consciousness so a man and a woman would perceive with greater clarity, develop the connection individuality further, and make better choices. When people think of commitment, he / she may first think of commitment in a marriage. Bell Hooks portray a great definition of two people in love, which were the grandparents in her short writings, “Love is our Hope.” She describes her grandparent’s relationship as such, “They had the curious blend of togetherness and autonomy that is needed in healthy relationships but difficult to find” (Love is Our Hope, Hooks 329). Hooks description of a good relationship was named, “inspired eccentricity” (Love is Our Hope, Hooks 329). Commitment between a man and a woman is genuine and nobody could change the minds of the two in love.
Relating to commitment, male and female focus on each other to make one another happy, therefore the situation could turnout to be negative or positive clearly stated as, Cause Tea Cake ain’t no Jody Starks, and if he tried tuh be, it would be un complete flommuck. But de minute Ah marries im everybody is goin tuh be makin’ comparisons (Tea Cake and Janie, Hurston 295). A man and women would reach towards the stars to be together. The family is the basic unit of a continuous circle, (hence a wedding ring). Thus, commitment is a personal relationship with public significance, and respect between the man and the women. Marriage is the fundamental pattern for male-female relationships.
It contributes to society because it models the way in which women and men live interdependently and commit, for their whole life, to seek the good of each other. In conclusion, the hardship, slavery, death, and forced labor, Africans Americans went through; Africans Americans still managed to keep their sanity. Men and Women showed an act of respect towards their family, despite of any problems or any money issues. Love is what carried them through any war, storm, or distress. Men and Women relationships were pure and wholesome and most writers found inspirations in the stories told through family history.
Despite the consequences of negativity that has been presented on blacks, we still carry on our strong will to appreciate life and others in compassion, commitment, and confidence.