The Renaissance Society Classical People

The Renaissance was an amazing time period of change. Art was beginning to transform while the society was influenced by it. With these major topics, a new way of talent evolved. Art drew on techniques and styles of classical Greece and Rome. The Early Renaissance was beginning to bring out the many building structures into the background of paintings. These buildings had some style of classic patterns and the characters’ clothes started to appear somewhat like classic Greek fashion.

Like in Tribute Money, by Masaccio, the building painted in the background of the picture has a classical style using arches and pillars and the characters are wearing clothes similar to togas. Similarly, The School of Athens by Raphael Santi, was drawn in a very classical Roman setting. The building the characters were painted in included arches and statues. The scene was crowded with scholars, books, and Roman style clothing. This image was very secular and gave off a picture of classical studies and architectural designs. Therefore, more and more paintings started to get an idea of how to draw classical type objects, people, and structures.

The Renaissance society also progressed in new inventions and succeeded. For example, printing changed society by making more information available and inexpensive enough for society at large. It was very beneficial to the public and the church. Bibles on average took about one year to be copied off by hand and they were only sold to the rich. Peasants and normal people in an everyday life could not afford these books, but afterwards, the printed versions were locally sold in town by merchants. There was a lot of prophet from the printing press (printer) because books were created faster, and the price was set to a fair amount.

More and more civilians turned literate and they had a better education in the future. This was a great affordable way of helping out others and running a smooth business on books, in addition of making more money for the church. All in all, the printing press was a wonderful invention that made people’s lives easier, intelligent, and holy. Without art and the society involved in the Renaissance, there wouldn’t be a new positive image of life or inventions, p 0 that helped people with their lives and education.