Bin Laden Current Events

overheard on radio U. S. officials say the voice on the Tora Bora broadcasts matches that of the terrorism suspect. Sunday, December 16, 2001 U. S. forces overheard and recorded Osama bin Laden giving orders over a short-range radio.

Bin Laden’s fighters are scattering across the rocky and forested mountains as they attempt to surrender, hide or escape. Bin Laden’s whereabouts remain unknown, but many U. S. officials and Afghan commanders believe he is still cornered in Tora Bora, where he has built a stronghold of caves, bunkers and tunnels. Afghan commanders and radio transmissions from the fighters on the front indicated that the al-Qaida guerrillas are offering little resistance. Vaccination may be needed to eradicate latent anthrax Sunday, December 16, 2001 Federal officials said that they might soon offer the anthrax vaccine to more than 3, 000 people exposed to the virus.

Medical experts and federal authorities agreed at a symposium on anthrax treatment that the vaccine should be made available to people exposed to high levels of the bacteria, such as workers in the office of Tom Daschle. They had more anthrax spores in their noses than the amount that would cause an entire building to be shut down, doctors said. The vaccine that is in short supply and has side effects, was designed for preventative use, not for people who already have been exposed to anthrax. Jury convicts man of arson, but not murder Sunday, December 16, 2001 A Vinton County jury acquitted a man of aggravated murder but convicted him of aggravated arson and tampering with evidence. The jury acquitted William W. Mulher n Jr.

, 30, of killing Jenna Hollings head, 34, of McArthur Ohio. Her body was found June 2 in her burned-out apartment. William could get up to 13 years in prison. He spent Two months in prison and six months afterward in a community-based correctional facility last year after he was convicted of arson..