Globalization Vs Civilization Cultural Identity

Globalization vs. Civilization By Alee m You saf Today’s fast moving world owes much to its instigator the Globalization. The rapid transition and developments in the world are very much a production of what we call globalization. The world has become a global village where technology rules and gives man the consciousness that he is in this global village.

Countries have to make quick decision to survive in the world of today. In this race for survival the underdevelopment regions of the world are the ones that only stand and watch what is happening with the world. Because globalization is a giant for them that does not let those country move from their place which are plagued with hunger and poverty. In this run and get world, man’s civilization and culture have suffered greatly. He is faced with the crisis of cultural identity. Many nations and among those particularly the underdevelopment have lost much in terms of.

Theses nations are such which are unable to make the right choice because of their frustration owing to poverty and hunger. They become spell-bounded when they watch the global village under its blue lights. An inner desire strongly urges them to make themselves look like that person, that image, that very icon that people of the global village admire. In result of this they also try to run like others but the clutches of poverty and hunger tighten their grip around them and pull them backwards.

They are unable to touch that height where the global icons have reached. They are failed. Because of trying to run and leave their origin and base their cultural identity have disappeared. They are confused and do not know what they had been. They still want to move ahead faster and faster but in this confused running they are unable to decide which step to move forward.

Resultant ly they do not pay any attention to the giants of hunger and poverty. And therefore, are standing there where they had been. They haven’t gained anything but have only lost and that is their civilization and cultural identity.