1901-06: beginning of oil diplomacy
British discover oil in northern Iran and begin to gain concession for exploitation, refining, and transporting of the crude worldwide. After receiving 12, 000 thousand pounds sterling and a cut of the profits, Muzaffer al-Din Shah grants the right.
Iranians, questioning the legitimacy of the agreement, demand an assembly to examine the document. They also demand a constitution according to which similar decisions can only be reached in a public forum.
When 14, 000 thousand protesters occupy the British legation, the Muzaffer grants a constitution.
1911: last Qatar shah
His eleven-year-old son, Ahmad Shah, replaces Muhammad Ali. The parliament is restored. An Anglo Persian oil company is formed. Iran is divided into british (south) and Russian (north) spheres of influence. A refinery at Abid on is completed.
1919: Majles refuses to ratify agreement
The Majles refuses to ratify the Anglo-Persian oil-exploitation agreement. Muhammad Mus sadiq, vociferous defender of Iranian rights, is expelled.
1939-41: large scale immigration form Russia to Iran
Large numbers of white Russians, persuade by the red army, immigrate to Iran. Iran announces neutrality in World War II; allies invade Iran.
1946: Iran asks UN for help
Iran appeals to the United Nations Security Council against soviet aggression in Azerbaijan and Kurdistan. The UN agrees to protect Iran’s right.
1961: Iran freedom party formed mehdi baz ergon forms the Iran freedom party as a counterweight against the tude h party.
1972 May: Nixon visits Tehran
At Tehran University, Richard Nixon is met with a silent protest staged by students. The shah agrees to protect U. S.
interests in the Middle East in exchange for arms; Iranian military purchases reach $519 million.
1977: Iran – us relations at peak
Irans’ military purchases reach $5. 8 billion. Over seven thousand Americans work in more than 30 Para-military organizations in Iran. Bell international, Hughes aircraft, computer Sciences Corporation, Har sco, trw, Rockwell international, gte, Lockheed, and Harris Corporation top the list.
The stakes are high, yet the us government views the Iran-us relations with optimism.
Even though 8500 Iranians, define mace and tear gas, demonstrate outside the white house in which president carter entertains the shah. Us president carter visits Iran in December and calls Iran an island of stability in a sea of troubles. Toasting the shah on New Year’s Eve he says, “your majesty, your view of human rights and mine are the same.”
1978 October 31: oil industry shutdown
The oil industry is shutdown. Speaking crown prince reza, us president jimmy carter reaffirms us support for the shah.
1979 November 4: militant students storm the us embassy in Tehran
Iranian militants storm the us embassy, seize ninety hostages, including sixty-two Americans, and demand the return of the shah.
The United States refuses the demands. Instead, president carter freezes official Iranian assets and suspends us imports from Iran.
1981 august 30: president rajaie is killed.
A bomb kills Mohammed Ali rajaie, Iran’s president since June 21, 1981.
Rajaie, a simple teacher, was nominated prime minister in august 9, 1980. In October, he told a New York news conference that the release of the hostages was “not far away.”
1986 January February: Iran captures Iraqi territory
Iran captures Iraq’s faw peninsula plus 800 square kilometers of Iraq territory. Iraq damages Iran’s gana veh pipelines, reducing production by one half; ayatollah Mohamed reza golpayegani views the war simultaneously as a great loss and an agent of national solidarity.
1986 November 6: newspaper reports on us arms sale to Iran
Lebanese newspaper all-shira a reports on the United States’s e cret arms sale to Iran.
Us president Ronald Reagan acknowledges the sale but denies the hostage connection.
1990 July 3-august 21: Iran Iraq war ends
Iran and Iraq normalize relations, and the last Iraqi soldier leaves Iran. Iran and Iraq exchange POWs.
1991 December 6: United States and Iran settle claims.
The United States pays $2. 78 million to settle Iran’s claim regarding military equipment left in the United States for repair.
1992 January 10: Iran’s damages from war are assessed
The United Nations assesses Iran’s wartime damage at $97. 2 billion, but Iran claims $1, 000 billion.
1992 October 23: debate over Iranian assets abroad
Ayatollah Ahmad jannati warns against the return of Iranian exiles who, along with their power, bring corrupt western values detrimental to Muslim artists trying to express themselves. Jannati reacts to this persuasive measures adopted by the government to bring lost Iranian assets to boost the country’s ailing economy.
1993 January 22: Iran and the west
Iran condemns the United States’ attack on Iraq. Some Iranians cite the wars in Bosnia, Palestine, Somalia, India, Tajikistan, and the Caucasus as part of the western wave of anti-Islamism.
1996 February 24: Caspian oil – a regional economic
The first Iranian-made oil platform in the Caspian Sea becomes operational. In the past, Caspian oil was a political issue among the western nations, Iran and the former Soviet Union. In the 1990’s, however, Caspian oil emerges as an economic factor affecting not only Iran but also the west, Russia, and the other countries on the Caspian shore.
1997: canal proposed
Experts propose connecting the Caspian and the Persian gulf via a canal. This would increase trade between Iran and several landlocked former soviet republics, while also affording the ladder access to the high seas.
1998 January 9-18: khamenei opposes rapprochement with the us
President Clinton proposes direct talks between Iranian and us governments at a time when khatami seeks avenues of dialogue with the United States. The stumbling block is khamenei, Iran’s spiritual leader who, along with his hard-line supporters in the upper level of the Iranian government, reject any Iran-us rapprochement.
1998: present Rapprochement
U. S. -Iranian tensions begin easing. In 1998, Washington waives sanctions against a French oil firm for its venture in Iran, makes more efficient visa requirements for Iranians and removes Iran from its list of primary drug producing nations.
Iran begins to repair its global image, lifting a decade-long “fatwa” or campaign of violence against author Salman Rushdie, writer of “Satanic Verses.” In a TV interview, Khatami urges more contact between American and Iranian people. Khatami’s efforts to liberalize and open Iran are perilous, set against continued opposition from religious conservatives; pro-and anti-Khatami demonstrations flare.
2000: present Rapprochement
Parliamentary elections in March 2000 give reformers an overwhelming mandate. Soon after, the Washington announces a major proposal toward Iran, including moves to return frozen Iranian assets, removal of a ban on imports of Iranian luxury goods and a program of increased academic and athletic exchanges.