Class President Speech Insert Activity Ideas

Class President Speech Hello, my name is (insert name), and I’m running for class president. You may know me for my incoherent rambling and mad (insert activity) skills, but what I am here today to discuss with you has nothing to do with those wonderful qualities. I’m here to discuss fun, and more importantly, money. What, as the class of (insert class year), have we done for fun this year? You are correct! Nothing! And what funds have we raised for (insert activity)? Nada! I, (insert name), should be voted Class President next year because I have ideas out the wazoo on how we can have fun AND make money for our very own (insert activity)! And, not only do I have ideas of my own, I will listen to yours. Your minds and mine, together, can help make our class go down in history as the best (insert class) class ever! Or at least the wittiest. Some of my ideas follow: (insert fundraising ideas).

Even better will be the (insert activity) we ” ll be able to put on as long as you help us raise the green! Do any of these sound appealing to you? Well, there are plenty more where those came from, I’m willing to share them with all of you. All you happy people have to do is put that circle around ‘ (insert name) ‘ on election day. If not for me… do it for the little puppy (hold up picture of puppy). Thank you for your time comrades, and God bless us, every one.