Dumbbell Or Bar Extensions Curls Gym

“Process Essay”

Daily Workout

These days in a world where people are looking at you different because you don’t look like someone that comes out on T. V. So today you will find many people who are working out a lot in the gym. There are many ways that you can go into the gym and perform many exercises to get into shape. People have different ways to get in shape some just go into the gym to do cardiovascular exercise and others prefer to go and lift weights. As for myself I like to lift weights and do a little cardio.

Over the years I have developed a workout plan which fits me. I am not a person who goes in there and is serious about it, I go in there to lift and keep my strength up. Here are some exercises I do and what order I do them in.

You would have to go into the gym and workout two different muscles a day.

You put two muscles together that usually worked out at the same time. One day you would do chest & triceps, the next day you do shoulders & legs, and the following day you do back & biceps. You always end your workouts with doing some abs and also some cardio if you have time. Here are the workouts you do step by step:


Flat bench (dumbbell or bar) 4 x 10

Incline bench (dumbbell or bar) 3 x 10

Decline bench (dumbbell or bar) 3 x 10

Cable extensions 3 x 10

Dumbbell fly’s 3 x 10


Standing pull downs 4 x 10

Over head extensions 3 x 10

Knee extensions 3 x 10

Dips 3 x 10


Military press (bar) 4 x 10

Military press (dumbbell) 3 x 10

Upright rows 3 x 10

Shoulder cable extensions 3 x 10

Reverse cable fly’s 3 x 10


Squats 4 x 10

Leg press 3 x 10

Leg extensions 3 x 10

Hamstring extensions 3 x 10


Lat pull downs (front) 4 x 10

Lat pull downs (back) 3 x 10

Back rows 3 x 10

Pull ups 3 x 10

Biceps & Forearms and writs:

Sitting preacher bar 4 x 10

Standing bar curls 3 x 10

Concentration curls 3 x 10

Standing dumbbell curls 3 x 10

Reverse curls 3 x 10

Wrist curls 3 x 10

There are many other excises that you can do to workout these muscles, but these are the ones you should usually do the majority of the time.

After you hit the weights you might consider doing a little cardio and also some abs. Cardio is also just important because it helps your heart out a lot and keeps you in shape.