Heinrich Himmler Father Life Gebhard

“Our Secret” Essay No. 2 HIMMLER As I read “Our Secret” it was so far reaching which made it hard to explain. “Our Secret” covered points including; Head of the Nazi police (Heinrich Himmler) concentration camps, violence, and the connection people have with personal life. The author introduced the life of Heinrich Himmler and different situations and compared them to each other. The story had a lot to do with Germany, and how the Nazi created the concentration camp’s who formed a coalition. The structure of “Our Secret” was confusing because the author would talk about one thing, compare it to her life and skip to another story all together.

Heinrich Himmler was born on October 7, 1900, to a very strict Roman Roman Catholic father who was a teacher. Heinrich’s father Gebhard was strict because he came from a poverty stricken family. Johann, Gebhard’s father became a soldier in the army. He had gotten himself into some trouble over the years. When Gebhard was born his father was reformed and was a sergeant of the Royal Police force of Bavaria.

Heinrich’s father taught him the proper way to stand, walk and talk. Gebhard taught Heinrich to be very organized. As a child Heinrich kept a very organized journal of what he did everyday. His father would make him walk through the woods so he would appreciate nature, play chess to stimulate his mind, and play the piano so he would be cultured. As a boy Heinrich was not very popular at school. He was very frail due to influenza as a child.

In 1916, Heinrich was old enough to join a regiment. Heinrich served as an officer cadet in the Eleventh Bavaria regiment at the end of WWI. Germany was defeated. Heinrich felt as if he had failed.

He came home with no commission or rank. Himmler at this time was feeling that his life was in a void. He doesn’t feel like a boy or a man. The army gave him purpose and order in his life. Before Himmler went to the war he could count on the strict regiment from his father. After the war Himmler went to a University and received a degree in agriculture and worked as a chicken farmer in the 1920’s.

During this time Himmler was adapting some popular opinions and developed a close relationship with the Nazi party. Threw this void that he was experiencing Himmler knew “What Germany needed was a man on iron.” Himmler drifted into the soldier organization were he meet Adl of Hitler and turned to racism. On November 8-9 1923, Himmler took part in Hitlers attempt to over-throw the government. In 1925 the chief of the Nazi party hired Heinrich as a secretary.

In the same year Hitler ordered that the Schutzstaffel become an official institution. In 1929 Himmler was promoted to the director of propaganda. Within months Himmler was elected to the Reichstag. Himmler emerged under Hitler as second in actual power. In 1933, Henrich Himmler, Reich fuhrer SS became the president of the Bavarian police. Under Himmler’s power deputies were sent to round up all the Jewish business owners, Social Democrats, Communist and arrested them.

When all the jails were full, Himmler opened the first official concentration camp at Dachau.