M. Tepper accurately states “Many teens have problems with which they most cope.” M. Tepper is implying that teenagers go through hard times, and they just have to cope (deal) with the problems. The story THE CATCHER IN THE RYE, by J.
D. SALINGER supports the quote. The main character Holden Caulfield, a 16 year old boy, who’s dealing with a lot stress and gets put in to a institution, in which he shouldn’t of been put in there. For example Holden has trouble excepting his younger brother (Allie) death. Then he has a problem with lying or blowing things out of proportion. Holden seems to be a little on the un normal side, but he still a regular teenager.
Holden lost a younger brother, who’s name was Allie, and had passed on because he had leukemia. Holden didn’t go to Allie funeral, so Holden didn’t make any closure, he thinks of Allie of being alive. For example, Holden in quote says “I certainly don’t enjoy seeing him in that crazy cemetery, surrounded by dead guys and tombstones and all.” Referring to Allie, stating that Allie doesn’t belong there, in a cemetery. When Holden is upset and/ or miserable, he talks to Allie as if he were right in front of Holden, like when Holden got kicked out of school he would talk to Allie and ask him how is he gonna tell mom and dad.
Another example of him talking to Allie is when he was going to cross the street and he started to talk to Allie like he was there and say’s to Allie “don’t let me disappear.” Then when he gets to the other side Holden says “thanks” to Allie like if he were there. Holden might seem a little not there, but he’s not crazy, he just indenile of Allie’s death, and wants to think of Allie of being still alive. Holden has a problem with lying to himself and others. In other words he lies to himself when he thinks Allie is alive and is really dead. Then when he on the train to go home, he meets one of his peers of schools mother. He tells her that her son is a really nice person and her son is really a bully and Holden never really got along with him.
Then finally he gets to his hometown and doesn’t even go home he stays in a Hotel, because he figures he waits to go home when he was suppose to come home for vacation. So that he didn’t have to tell his parents that he got kicked at of school. So there is no good outcome of this but that hes lying. So Holden being indenile of Allie’s death and all the lying, is pretty much a normal teenager in need of some counseling, not some mental institution.
Okay him being indenile of Allie’s death is one thing and is normal. Maybe he feels, a rele if when he talks to him (ALLIE) out loud. The lying is normal, because most teenagers lie, some like Holden might not like the truth.