2 Faced Friend You ” re sitting at the lunch table and talking to your friends. They all seem to get along and communicate very well with you. You trust them all so you can depend on them when you need them. Then you ” re at work and you work with the friends. You fool around at work and have fun with the other employees.
Then all of the sudden you seeing the managers and your friend laughing at you and your wonder what they are talking about, it can be a good thing or a bad thing. So you asking then what they are talking about and then you find out that your friend told the managers little about your life. In this situation you would get mad and feel like punching your face in the friend or so called friend but you know you don’t have the guts to. I’m talking about two faced people one minute they can be your friend the next time you see them they are talking stuff behind your back. These are kind of people you wish never existed in out society, but they do.
Why be friends with people if they disrespect and say things behind your back. Wouldn’t it be better to go to that friend and tell them what’s wrong or ask them a question? It would be better then having to find out be people making fun of your or hearing things that people aren’t supposed to know. I used to talk behind peoples back sometimes and I learned my lesson the hard way I lost a friend which I knew for a long time by doing this because I made fun of his girlfriend which was supposed to be a joke, but he heard it from someone else. Now we don’t even talk to each other anymore. Just last week my friend who I trusted and talked to was talking about my personal life at work with out managers. That really made me made.
I didn’t punch him or really hurt him but I didn’t spill 190 degree water on him which is very hot. Why be friends with somebody that does that to. I can stand people with that kind of two faced personalities. I’m not talking about multiple personalities either.
One minute you trust them then the next minute they are talking behind you back. Why do people do this? So they can get a laugh out of other people or just to make you made, or him being the one that just has to tell something so he would be liked by other people. Other things that people do that could be know as 2 face is lying I can’t people you lie for now reason what is the purpose of, so you can make people think that you have to be better then them. I hate compulsive liars they are the worst friends to have. I had a friend lied so much that his girlfriend broke with him because he was lying to her. I was getting mad my self I didn’t know why he had to lie like that.
Just last week that same person flipped his car twice and lied about how why he flipped it over. I had to find out from the other person that was in the car with him to find out the truth on why he flipped it. I don’t think nobody would have cared that if he would have just told the truth. People like that need help seriously. I don’t ever believe what he says now. Two faced friends can be the worst kind of friend to have they get on your nerves so easily that you want to just beaten up.
They don’t show any respect for anybody not even their parents or to authority. If friend still want to be friends just tell them the truth and they wouldn’t be a problem. If you are talking about a person behind there backs then why be friends with that person in the first place. Two faced friends or people would make anybody made and I’m sure everybody has had one before, were one, or are one.