Jenny Joseph and Carol Ann Duffy have both written powerful poems dealing with different stages of life and growing up. Carol Ann Duffy has written a poem called “In Mrs. Tilscher’s class” dealing with the early stages of life, a child growing into adolescence. Jenny Joseph has written a poem called “Warning” dealing with the later stages of life, a middle age person going into old age. Jenny Joseph is a middle aged woman writing about what she will be like in the future in her years of old age.
Whiles Carol Ann Duffy is reminiscing about what it was like to be a child in primary school and the typical experiences in a primary school. The poet Carol Ann Duffy is writing about the past whereas Jenny Joseph is writing about the future. ” In Mrs. Tilscher’s class” gives a clear message to show that when a person was in primary school, it was a place of fun and a place where protection from the real world is given. The poem “Warning” has a very different message that is about going against that certain stereotype.
“In Mrs. Tilscher’s class,” it shows children growing from childhood into adolescence and becoming more mature. Whereas “Warning’ the poem goes from being a mature middle aged adult to going to an immature and mischievous older age and having a second childhood “In Mrs. Tilscher’s class”, the children in the poem want to grow up however in “Warning” the people give the impression that they not want to grow up.
“In Mrs. Tilscher’s class,” used different poetic techniques namely metaphors, similes and personification, whereas “Warning” concentrates on the tone of the poem. “In Mrs. Tilscher’s class” Carol Ann Duffy has used a simile “the classroom glowed like a sweetshop.” This Simile gives a clear image of what the classroom was like and that the classroom was colourful like a sweetshop. Many children love to go to sweetshop. The class is being compared to that sweetshop and that the children in the poem love to go to school to be in the classroom.
Instead of using metaphors similes and personification, Jenny Joseph uses descriptive words, an example of this is “You can where terrible shirts and grow more fat,” this gives the image that old people do not have to worry about their appearance and figure. The way Jenny Joseph has written this phrase was in a childlike way this helps in discovering what Jenny Joseph was trying to say. “In Mrs. Tilscher’s class” there is use of alliteration and onomatopoeia.
An example when Carol Ann Duffy used alliteration is ‘s ex sky’ the effect is that we can hear the change in the children, in that the children are growing from childhood to adolescence, Carol Ann Duffy uses onomatopoeia ‘jumping and croaking.” Here the onomatopoeia helps the reader hear the sound of the children happily playing Jenny Joseph uses alliteration in “Warning”and Hoard pens ands pencils.” The effect projected to the reader is that this alliteration gives a nice rhythm. Hoarding pencils and pens is a childish thing to do. “In Mrs. Tilscher’s class” there are four stanzas as the poem progresses the children in the poem become older, every different stanza is a different time of the school year. In the first stanza, it is the beginning of the school year. This gives the effect that the reader can imagine different times of the school year and how children grow accordingly.
Jenny Joseph has mainly formed “Warning” in short sentences. The first and the last lines of the poem are very similar in content. This creates a type of cheekiness and fun to the poem. ‘Warning’ has a rhetorical question at the end of the last stanza. This also helps to create cheekiness and fun. “In Mrs.
Tilscher’s class” a child from Mrs. Tilscher’s class is reminiscing about the times when he was in primary school and childhood. He is speaking to the reader explaining what is like in Mrs. Tilscher’s class. The tone of the speakers voice is happy relaxed and fun. The tone in his voice changes at the end of the poem into a more serious affair.
“The Sky split open into a thunderstorm”, there is a change in the tone of the poet’s voice that is mirrored by the weather this is called “pathetic fallacy.”Warning” had a different narration in comparison to “In Mrs. Tilscher’s class. In “Warning” a middle-aged woman is talking in first person to her family and friends, e. g. , when ” I am an old women.” In the second stanza, she is talking in the second person to other middle aged people explaining to them what they can do when they are older, e.
g. , “You can wear.” In the third stanza she is talking again in the first person, telling the middle aged people how they should act in their middle age, e. g. “But now we must.” In the fourth stanza the poem stays in to first person. The tone of the voice is mischievous and rebellious. In the third stanza, the tone changes into a good and respectful middle-aged person.
My opinion of the poem “In Mrs. Tilscher’s class” is that it was a good poem helping me remember my days at primary school and childhood. My opinion of the poem “Warning” is that the mood of showing rebelliousness and not following a stereotype is very true to life, I found this very interesting.