High School Class Graduating 2003

To faculty, staff, administrators, school board members, Class of 2003, and especially my family and friends, it is with great pleasure that I welcome you this evening to this auspicious occasion. Today, I know many of you are probably sitting in your seats thinking to yourselves, “I’m finally graduating and I can’t wait to leave ,” while others are probably thinking “I’m going to miss my friends and all the great times I’ve had in school.” Today is a victory within itself. Graduation is a moment for which we ” ve all been working, waiting and preparing. For this reason, it is an occasion for both joy and sorrow.

Joy, because we have passed one glorious milestone in our lives; sorrow, because that milestone is now a part of the past. It has taken immense dedication and effort to get to this moment. Not only is it an individual accomplishment, but also a success for all of the people who have been a part of today. We, the graduating Class of 2003, extend a warm and heart-felt welcome to all of you who have gathered here tonight to partake in this joyous and momentous occasion. Graduating from high school is a milestone in anyone’s life, and your presence here means everything to us.

Although tonight’s ceremony is a celebration of our outstanding achievements, we must offer special tribute to the unsung heroes who are most responsible for our success. I would like to thank the teachers for giving me and all of us the opportunity and power to learn. You all have opened doors to many new worlds. Thank you, classmates, and seniors of OHS for making my final year of high school the most memorable.

Thank you for being friends to the end. Seniors of OHS, before, we were wonderful, strong-minded individuals, but we were nearly strangers. Now, we are even stronger as a unit. It has been a great experience to be part of the OHS graduating class with all of you. Thanks to my mom and dad.

Especially, my mom, you have been there every step of the way with unquestioning and constant encouragement and support. Mom and Dad, you taught me morals and goals and to stand strong for what I believe in. You both have opened my eyes and helped me to see different views on life. My success is your success. Thanks for everything. Above all, however, we acknowledge and give praise to our loving God, for He has given us meaning and direction in our lives.

He has granted us spiritual support in times of despair and hardships, and He has given us opportunities to make all our dreams become real. Our presence here tonight proves that dreams can, indeed, become a reality. Fellow graduates of 2003, I salute you! Through hard work and determination, we will receive our well-deserved diplomas. Now the time has come for the Class of 2003 to step across the threshold of life into the real world, a world of realizations, opportunities, and enlightenment.

Many will leave tonight with smiles and others with tears. However, we all will walk out with the memory of having graduated from Opelousas Senior High School. After tonight, each of us will go his own ways, seeking his own goals and desires. I trust that each individual will find his rightful place in life, because in ourselves, our future lies.

Each of us is boarding our own ship of ambition and it is up to us whether we will anchor in the harbor of success. May you share the joy and excitement of this night with us. Again, thank you for your attendance and welcome to the Commencement Exercises for the Opelousas Senior High School graduating Class of 2003.