It was Wednesday we had drama on the 3 rd period we practiced the play called Mala and Rain Seed. At the end of the class our teacher told us that the primary teachers were performing a play at 2 o clock. We had to take permission from our teachers if we could watch the play. Our teacher gave permission and we came down to watch the play. It took time getting started. When it started everyone was silent.
The narrator came out and told us what was happening. The first play was red ridding hood. The story was twisted and it was really funny it was like a wolf comes and ate a young girl grand mom and the girl arrives and when the wolf was about to eat grand mom and just then she removes a gun and shoots the wolf. Later they perform three little pigs, which was also really funny. First and second pigs house are destroyed and the third pig was safe just when the house was about blow and wolf was bout to eat the pig the girl comes and kills the wolf and kills the pig she wears the skin and comes out it is really funny the way it was done. That wasn’t it after that our teacher forced the primary teachers to do a nursery rhyme Which was really hilarious all of us were on the floor laughing out loud.
We all enjoyed it and later our drama teacher and the primary drama teacher perform something for us wich was really good. After that we all went to our classes.