All My Sons Arthur Miller The play follows the pattern of Classical Drama: (1) drama based on conflict (emotional, physical, moral) (2) drama consists of 3 acts and follows conventional classical dramatic structure: (a) Exposition-information about the past is gathered. (b) Climax- two opposing forces (the hero and anti-hero) come into direct contact (c Denouement-catastrophe occurs in closing scenes (3) drama has a moral Author- Arthur Miller a Jew-interested in man as a social being. He focuses on man within his family and society and man’s responsibility to society. He is a social moralist i. e. he presents the conflicts in social and individual behaviour and judges that behaviour and particular ideals as good or bad according to certain standards which his play presents.
Setting Time -1947 Action in less than 24 hours. Takes place two years after the Second World War, a war for which America had supplied an enormous amount of arms and men. It was a traumatic period for all. The memory of war was clear and the problem of soldiers missing in action added to the trauma. Technology, however had developed rapidly, and there were many profiteers who took advantage of the needs of war. Place America- where equality of opportunity existed- success was open to all.
There was a positive work ethic-working hard was praised. Materialism was apparent-materialism was praised Local setting -action takes place in a small American town where neighbours are all involved with each other. Language Characters speak informally an colloquially. The normal speech of native Americans (ignoring the grammar of formal speech) is used.