Angelas’s Ashes
For my book report I first choose to talk about chapter one because it is the background of the book. Malachy McCourt is married to Angela and the have two kids together named Frank and Malachy and the twins Oliver and Eugene. They lived in New York, but when Frank was only four they moved back to Ireland. Frank and Malachy were both born in New York also Mr. Malachy and Angela were married there.
Frank wishes from the beginning that they would have stead over there, but instead he says, ” He got a miserable Irish Childhood.” He is now in a poor family who lives in Ireland and have just enough money to get a small portion of money each night for food to feed the family. The only problem is that Mr. Malachy like to drink and waist all of the money that he has earned that day instead of giving it to the family for that nights dinner.
Secondly I choose to do scene three, and it is talking about how they live in a house near the city bathrooms. It also is talking about how their dad has an alcohol addiction and barely has enough money to by food because when he makes money he blows it away. Their father Malachy McCourt is an alcoholic that drinks so much that he cannot even remember that he is the father of a family.
Christmas is coming around and they have no money to buy a Christmas dinner, because ever time their dad makes money he blows it away. Mr. McCourt does not show a good example of a father to his kids because he is an alcoholic who is working or getting drunk all of the time. I think that eventually the kids Frank, Malachy, Oliver, and Eugene are gong to grow up and become alcoholics just like their dad. The only way is if they see how he has made many mistakes and learn that it is wrong to take care of a family like that.
He treats them all wrong and especially his wife because he pledged that he would take care of her and help her in time of need when he married her. That is wrong and if I were the wife I would get a divorce. I think that he knows that he is poor and does not want to think about it so he gets himself drunk after long days worth of work because he feels like he deserved it.
Lastly I choose to write about chapter eighteen because is shows how if you put your mind to something you can do it even if you don’t do it right you can still accomplish what you wanted.
In this chapter Frank saves as much money as he can and then he also takes some money from one of his employers, and he buys a ticket to the of America. In the book it is referred to as the “land of the free and the home of the brave.” He should not have stolen money from his employer, but he did what ever he felt was necessary to get to the United States. I probably would have done the same thing if I were in the same predicament. After what he has gone through and what his father has done to him I think that it is best that he goes to the land of the free. He had a hard young childhood and is going to try and make it on his own. His family has a going away party for him just before he leaves to go and get on the boat to go to the United States.
I think that if anyone deserves to get away from that environment is should be Frank.