Anglo Saxons Grave Beowulf Numbers

The Anglo Hero Most of the information we have about the Anglo-Saxons comes from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, a year-by-year account of all the major events of the time. Among other things it describes the rise and fall of the bishops and kings and the important battles of the period. The Anglo-Saxons also had many records of the saints and heroes through out the years. To the Anglo-Saxon people Beowulf would be a perfect hero. Beowulf has the great strength the Anglo-Saxons always looked for in heroes. Beowulf has no fear for anything, fear was a quality the Anglo-Saxons didn’t want in a hero.

Finally, Beowulf has a brain he can think his way out of everything. The Anglo-Saxon people needed inteligance in their heroes. Beowulf im bodies all these great quilitys. In some cases (Abingdon, Collingbourne Duc is, and Peters finger for instance) grave numbers refer to grave cuts – burials forming a double inhumation share the same grave number, although the individual skeletons might be distinguished as A and B. Using this method, the grave number is serving two purposes: both to identify the grave and to indicate the number of individuals within it. At the other extreme (Charlton Plantation, for example), grave cuts and skeletons are numbered separately: graves are assigned unique context numbers, and skeletons are treated as “special finds” along with artefacts.

Between these two categories are those cemeteries where there are no double inhumations, so the grave numbers are unique skeleton numbers as well (for example, Snell’s Corner and Dr oxford). In order to unify the numbering method used and avoid overloading the grave number field, graves from many of the cemeteries have been re-numbered so that unique numbers have been assigned to each skeleton in a continuous sequence.