Roy And Coral Meg Play Life

Away indeed is a spiritual of self discovery. Going ‘away’ is a vehicle for the change of each character’s view of the self and the world in which they live. Throughout the play the character build upon their weakness no matter how small or how large. By the end, they all have found their place in life and how to cope with their situation regardless of the harshness of reality Roy and Coral are quite dysfuctionall couple in the beginning. They both have lost their only child in a recent Vietnam War and have to learn to get on with their lives. As a result, Coral turns into a social outcast and restricts Roy in his outgoing duties as a school principle.

Roy is frustrated by his wife’s attitude as he is privately grieves for his son and tries to get on with his life. Unsuccessful in conforming to her husband’s wish, Coral escapes from there Gold coast hotel on Christmas day 1968 to a secluded beach. Coral takes on the role of an artist and is slowly healed of her sorrow as proven by To mand Meg’s following exchange Meg: Is she crazy? Tom: She has been. She’s better now Meg: really mad? Tom: Not any more… she’s ready to get back into the swim, she says Due to this recovery Roy and Coral are reconciled when he begs for forgiveness and asked her to come home with him Thus Roy and Coral discover their inner spiritual selves bt the last act of the play and finally accept the loss of their son.