Rising Action Book Kids Baby

Baby-sitting is a Dangerous job By: Willo Davis Roberts Book Report Have you ever baby -sitted three brats? Well, in Baby-Sitting is a Dangerous job, Darcy sure did. The characters in this book was the three brats (the foster kids), Mr. Foster, and the baby sitter, Darcy are the main character in the book. The setting in the book took place in Mr. Foster’s house, while baby-sitting and also while getting the kids back.

There is a complication, and a really exciting rising action in the story. The complication is Darcy has never baby-sitted three bratty kids before. Usually she only baby-sitted one or two bratty kids, and now she has three! There also is a really exciting rising action in the book. The rising action in the book is that the children are kidnapped. In this book there is a really great climax, falling action and resolution.

The climax is that Mr. Foster comes home and finds out the kids have been kidnapped. The falling action is that the kidnapper calls and tells Mr. Foster that he has the kids and how to get them back. They tell him to fill a suitcase full of money and to put it in a curtain spot. Last the resolution is that the police came and got the kidnapper.

The point of view is first person because Darcy tells the story, and it makes it more interesting. It would not be as interesting if it was third person. If it were third person it would not be like you were in Darcy’s shoes. It would not be like you were there with them. There are many conflicts in the story. One is that Darcy gets stuck with three brats.

Another is that the kids are kidnapped. The last conflict is that the kidnapper planed a deal with Mr. Foster and told him what to do. I really liked this book it kept my attention. At times the mood was sad and mad, others it was happy and excepting. It really gave me different view of things.

I think the theme of this book was to never do anything for money because things can be worst than they appear. This book was really good and I would recommend it to everyone, because even if you did not like reading you still would like this book.