Beowulf And Spiderman People Enemy Strength

Beowulf and Spiderman are two great heroes. I am going to compare and contrast them. Beowulf was a Viking hero and Spiderman is a modern day hero. Both have many similarities and many differences.

Beowulf has the strength of the thirty men. He is great with people including his enemies. He is an outstanding fighter and is very loyal to all who came into his presence. He is committed to doing what he has to do even if it means having to die, which in the end he does. Not like Spiderman, who doesn’t die in his show. Spiderman also differs because unlike Beowulf he uses a body suite to disguise himself from the world around him.

Beowulf on the other hand was know to everyone around him, he was very popular and had a good heart. Spiderman’s enemies are also mortal who are also disguised and Beowulf’s enemy isn’t. Beowulf relies on his own hands to defeat the enemy. He has brute strength to rely on. Spiderman uses web, he captures them in it. Spiderman and his people have devises that help them get around faster, like things to fly on.

Beowulf and his people had to rely on there feet and horses to get them around. Beowulf had to overcome Grendel’s killing of Hrothgar’s men by fending Grendel with his brute strength but dies by a fire breathing dragon. Spiderman on the other hand defeats his enemy by killing him with some sort of weapon. And he does it to save New York. Beowulf was an old epic poem written long ago so they only had swords, knifes, and there bare hands to fight with. Now heroes have lots of different kinds of weapons to use and many different things to get them around, so it’s a little easier.

But what stays the same is their eagerness to fight and win the battle of good and evil. They wont stop at no cost. So I guess things will change but the views of right and wrong to people will stay the same.