Boxer A Modern Day Interpetaion Of Othello

Boxer Characters Othello – Richard Desdemona – Sarah Iago – Rico Rodrigo – R. d. Casio – Cain Emilia – Emily Intro Richard has moved from England and recently entered a boxing club. Rico and R. d. also go to the same boxing club and now their club is having a big tournament.

The winner will gain sponsorship and go through to try out to be a pro-boxer. Cain is going out with Emily but Cain likes Sarah and would do anything to be with her. Rd also likes Sarah. Sarah likes Richard but Rico is jealous of Richards boxing because Rico doesn’t think he can beat him. Rico: Good luck in the match Rd I’ll catch you later. Rd: Yeah mate, I’ll probably need it I’m up against Rich.

[exit Rd] Rico: If I can make Richard think about something else then I could face Rd in the final and not Rich. [enter Richard] hey Rich, sorry to her about Sarah, you had a really good relationship, oh well there are plenty more fish in the sea. Rich: What? What do you mean we HAD a good relationship? Rico: What, you don’t kno… I mean nothing forget I said a thing. Rich: [angrily] What have you heard, from who, what did she say? Rico: it’s just… [Reluctantly] it was Cain, those two have been hanging way to long and now they have been whispering sweet nothings to each other and last night I saw him enter her house and all she was wearing was a towel.

I’m sure not for long though.