Brave New World Savage People Bernard

Independent Novel Study 2- Lenina is the character whose actions I don’t agree with. Just like the Savage said, she’s a whore. They said that there wasn’t a guy in the entire building where she worked that hadn’t gone to bed with her yet. All she needs to hear is that a guy likes her and off go the clothes.

I understand that it’s a normal thing for that civilization but she still does it more than most of the other women. She acts this way because the world controllers brainwash everyone as a child to turn out the way they want. All people are sexually active as soon as they are physically capable. I don’t agree with this because how will you ever be able to fall in love with someone when you ” re jumping from person to person? 4- The setting in Brave New World is very important. It takes place in the future (A. F.

632). All of earth is dominated by a one-world government. The people in Brave New World are genetically divided into five categories. The best and brightest individuals are Alphas while the Epsilons are the manual labourers with little need for intelligence.

The other castes fill jobs somewhere in between. All of the main characters in Brave New World are Alphas. All people are conditioned as babies, to grow up as perfect humans. There is no such thing as jealousy or hate. Since everyone is a test tube baby, there aren’t any mothers or fathers. People who live in civilization are capable of being with as many people of the opposite gender since there is no such thing as girlfriends and boyfriends.

When Lenina, an Alpha, goes on a trip to the reservation with Bernard, she is stunned to see old people, since everyone maintains their looks in civilization, until the day they die. The Savages mother Linda had a difficult time getting used to the life in the reservation. She slept with every man she met, without understanding why it wasn’t allowed there. All of the men’s wives whipped her as her punishment. I don’t think that I would be able to adapt to the setting in Brave New World. Except for maybe the reservation, since that resembles our present society a lot more than civilization described in Brave New World.

7- A character that goes through some changes in the novel is Bernard Marx. He is a smaller than average Alpha plus who feels isolated from the rest of society. When he brings back Linda and the Savage, everyone loves him and he’s on top of the world. The Savage then stands him up for a party put on by Bernard and everyone hates him and makes fun of him again.

He also changes his mind about his best friend Helmholtz. They were best friends until The Savage came along. Helmholtz became very good friends with Savage, meanwhile Bernard became jealous because they were spending more time together than with him. In the past two years my marks in school have gone way down, and way back up again. This is a good thing as long as I can keep them above 80% I’m happy. That way it ” ll be easier to find a good post-secondary school.

8- The ending for Brave New World was very emotional. The Savage chooses to live as a hermit, alone in a deserted area where only an old lighthouse remains. It’s this location where the Savage plans to purify himself and to escape further contamination by the filth of civilized life. He does this by carrying out a traditional Reservation religious ceremony in which he calls on God for forgiveness for his lust for Lenina and lack of concern for Linda’s troubled death. Soon the Savage begins to beat himself with a whip, punishing himself for the world’s crime. At first, he is undisturbed and left to live in peace, but soon inquisitive visitors find him, wondering he’s doing.

Soon noisy reporters camp out on the land. Eventually the Savage becomes so disgusted with the whole situation he retreats to the lighthouse, hoping to find solitude. When eager reporters follow him inside, they find his corpse hanging on the stairway. The overall meaning of the work is that in centuries to come, a one-world government will rise to power, stripping people’s freedom.

The society in Brave New World not only lives in this totalitarian government, but embraces it like mindless robots.