Can The Murder Be Justified

Is it possible to say that if, by using Alyona’s wealth, hundreds or thousands of lives could be put “on the right path,” or dozens of families rescued, then it would be okay to murder Alyona? One point of view would argue that one death for hundreds or thousands of lives is fair. Others would argue that the murder should never happen. I believe that the murder of Alyona was unfair and unjust. Alyona, a pawnbroker, never did anything to harm anyone. She traded and sold her goods with other people like she was supposed.

The only reason Raskolnikov killed Alyona was because he was trying to prove his superman theory. The “superman” is a person who is extraordinary and thus above the moral rules that govern the rest of humanity. Raskolnikov believed that he was one of these people. He killed Alyona to prove and to establish the truth of his superiority. Because of this, Alyona was completely innocent. Even if Raskolnikov were to give Alyona’s possessions to people of need, there would still be no reason for Alyona to have been murdered.

There are other ways to collect money for people in need. Could Raskolnikov have killed someone else to gain possession of many valuable things? The answer is yes. There are many other people in the world capable of possessing a lot of money. Because of this, Alyona should never have been murdered, because there was no real motive to do so. By the way, I hate crime and punishment!