Patricia Mcgrew Holden People Chapter

1. The narrator of this story is in the hospital or mental institution. Although he is going to tell the reader about his life, he is not going to write about his parents. He writes, “In the first place, that stuff bores me, and in the second place, my parents would have about two hemorrhages apiece if I told anything pretty personal about them.” My family was the same way, and I suppose most families are. If they have nothing to hide, why do you suppose families act like that. ? Sometimes families don’t like to get personal.

Even if they have nothing to hide they may just not want their family name disbursed for rumors to be started. Even if a family doesn’t have anything to hide, something could always be started. Holden also said, “I’m not going to give you my whole god damned biography.” It family doesn’t have anything to do with the actual story. Patricia McGrew Chapter 2 7.

In this chapter, Holden expresses opinions that critics believe are typical for teenagers. In the following excerpt from the chapter, Holden states that people see him as immature e when he is often mature. “Sometimes I act a lot older then I am-I really do-but people never notice it. People never notice anything.” Where do you feel that you fit on the scale of mature versus immature behavior? Compared to Holden I think I am more mature but I still wouldn’t call myself mature.

I have a lot of years to go before I mature. Some people mature quicker then others though due to experiences. Holden sounds as if he’s has trouble in life but it has all been to his laziness. Him blaming it on people not paying attention is a sign of immaturity. I may be immature but I know when something is and isn’t my fault. Holden often breaks down and cries in the middle of the story.

This shows immaturity also. Patricia McGrew Chapter 3 12. The first line in chapter 3 is, “I’m the most terrific lar you ever saw in your life.” Later, Holden lies to Mr. Spencer in order to get away.

In your experience, do you suppose most people regularly tell lies? If so, why do you think people behave this way? I believe that everyone lies. Some people lie to keep peace with another person or themselves. Sometimes people lie to escape problems they have. Holden lies to Mr. Spencer because he can’t answer all of Mr. Spencer’s questions.

His solution to the problem is to run away. The only way he can do that is by lying to Mr. Spencer. Most people believe it’s easier to run away then to tell the truth.

Patricia McGrew Chapter 4 Complete the following dialogue between two students: First student: I don’t understand why Holden likes Jane so much. It seems silly to like a girl just because she keeps her kings in the back row of the chess board. Second student: It is interesting, though. Holden does not seem to like anybody, but he likes Jane. I think she sounds young and childish. You: Maybe that’s why.

Maybe… Holden finds her attractive because she’s so innocent. Holden claims through out the story that he doesn’t like conformity and that he doesn’t like fake people. Jane is more of the “girl next door type.” Not the fake girl that is like everyone else.

Patricia McGrew Chapter 5 21. Holden and Brassard are going to the movies. Why do you suppose Holden invites Ackley to come along, even though he does not particularly like Ackley? Have you ever done something like that? Could you picture yourself going to the movies with someone you dislike. I believe the Holden was lonely in ways. I also think that Holden can relate to Ackley. Holden often says that Ackley sits in his room and he’s a lazy slob.

But Holden says that he doesn’t have many friends himself. Also Ackley may annoy Holden but sometimes just the presence of someone is nice. Sometimes people that annoy you may also be an amusement. Patricia McGrew Chapter 6 25. Holden picks a fight with Stradlater by calling him a moron.

“I told him he thought he could give the time to anybody he felt like. I told him he didn’t even care if a girl kept all her kings in the back row or not, and the reason he didn’t care was because he was a goddamn stupid moron.” How would you respond if Stradlater were to say to you, “What was that anger all about?” I would probably get angry. Holden was already frustrated. Even if Stradlater didn’t mean any harm by it, it was still just the phrase that hurt. Sometimes people are prompted to get violent when their frustrated even if nothing is said at all. Patricia McGrew Chapter 7 27.

Holden is disappointed in the skates his mother buys him for Christmas because they are not racing skates. He says, “Almost every time somebody gives me a present, it ends up making me sad.” Some readers get upset with Holden because they think he’s a whining complainer who needs to be less passive. What is your opinion? My opinion is indifferent. In ways I would agree with readers that got upset. A lot of people can’t even afford skates so why would you complain? But of corse Holden may only be stating an example. It may be that he never gets what he wants while it seems like everyone else does.

In the end I believe it’s just adolescence kicking in. Patricia McGrew Chapter 8 29. Mrs. Morrow seems to be unaware of Holden’s lies. However, this story is told entirely from Holden’s point of view.

Do you think it is possible that Mrs. Morrow knows Holden is lying? Assuming that she knows Holden hasn’t told her the truth, write a letter from Mrs. Morrow to her son Ernest, in which she relates to him her version of this incident. It is possible for Mrs.

Morrow to know. Holden does look young to some people and older to others so it could be impossible in her mind that holden actually was the janitor. So when she asked her son and he said “Rudolf Shmidt.” He said this because he didn’t feel like giving her ‘his’ whole life story. Ernest, Today on the train, I met a young man who attends Penny. He said his name was Rudolf Shmidt.

He told me that you are very active in school and I was very happy to hear that. I told him it didn’t sound like you and that you were more of a sensitive boy. He also told me of the elections you had and how you ran. I’m surprised you didn’t tell me this. Rudolf seems like a very good classmate and a good person to befriend. -Mrs.

Morrow. Patricia McGrew Chapter 9 30. In chapter 9, Holden watchers man on another room dressing up in women’s clothes. He also sees a couple squirting water at each other out of their mouths. “They were in hysterics the whole time, like it was the funniest thing that ever happened. I’m not kidding, the hotel was lousy with perverts.

I was possibly the only normal bastard in the whole place-and that isn’t saying much.” If Holden were your friend, and he told you that, what would you say to him. I wouldn’t say anything to him. In his opinion those people are perverted. I may comment on how he thinks he is normal. If he were to be “normal” then he probably wouldn’t be out on his own at such a young age. He claims to be more normal and mature then most when he doesn’t really know what maturity is.

But if he believes the people are perverted then it would be his opinion. Patricia McGrew Chapter 10 33. Holden describes Phoebe as “somebody you always felt like talking to on the phone.” Briefly describe someone in your life that you enjoy talking to. What special qualities does he or she posses. I have a few friends who I really enjoy talking to. One of them just has a good personality.

She is bright and bubbly. A joy to be around. One of my friends is a very deep thinker. Always analyzing thing.

Sometimes it is just nice to hear their thoughts on certain topics that have to do with life. It all depends on my mood whether I like talking to them or not. Patricia McGrew Chapter 11 36. Holden discusses his problems holding hands with girls by saying, “most girls if you hold hands with them, their goddam hand dies on you, or else they think they have to keep moving their hand all the time, as if they were afraid they’d bore you or something.” In the author’s style, write about a hand holding episode you either experienced or observed.

One day I was walking downtown behind a young couple. Their hands were loose around one another. You could almost tell they didn’t really want to be there. Another time when I was walking by an older couple in their 80’s I noticed they were holding hands. They looked like a fragile mantle piece.

Yet they were practically glued together. As if they were never going to separate. I think holding hands is a very emotional thing that shows friendship and care. Patricia McGrew Chapter 12 40. Holden is critical of meaningless social conversation.

“The Navy guy and I told each other we were glad to ” ve met each other. Which always kills me. I’m always saying, “Glad to ” ve met you’ to somebody I’m not at all glad I met. If you want to stay alive, you have to say that stuff, though.” The book has many of these small asides. What is your opinion of this way of writing? I like the way he writes.

He uses small with phrases to get his idea across. He isn’t fake about his ideas. He says things straight forward. Half of the stuff he talks about and the ideas Holden say may not be true but he doesn’t walk around things. Usually when people have something they need to say in order to explain things, they try to go about saying it the nicest way. It was as if Holden didn’t care.

Patricia McGrew Chapter 13 42. Keep in mind that this story was written in the late 1940’s. Do you think much has changed in the relationships between young men and young women since then? If so what has changed? Over half a century ago things were a lot different. People had more respect for one another.

At least from when everyone know has been told. Although they may have had more respect, I am sure the same thing continued with younger people. The times may change but young peoples minds still think the same. Except in times now it is probably stronger due to influences on tv and the radio. Patricia McGrew Chapter 14 What do you think about the way Holden handles Sunny and old Maurice when they try to chisel him out of five dollars? If anyone ever tried to cheat you, how would you like to handle the situation? Like any decent person I wouldn’t want to fight. I would try to handle it as maturely as I could.

In some situations it isn’t always possible. Sometimes you have to defend yourself. And in some cases you have no other choice but to let them take what they want. It all depends on the situation. On who is cheating you and how they are cheating you. Holden got scared and started crying.

He broke down. This showed a big sign of immaturity in his part. Even though I would probably break down too. Patricia McGrew Chapter 15 45.

Reread the following excerpt from the novel concerning Holden suitcases: “The thing is, it’s really hard to be roommates with people if your suitcases are much better then theirs-if yours are really good ones and theirs aren’t. You think if they ” re intelligent and all, the other person and have a good sense of humor, that they don’t give a damn whose suitcases are better, but they do. They really do.” The suit cases are a symbol of Holden’s wealthy background. What are some of the symbols of wealth students in you school might have? In you experience, do you feel comfortable with people who have few (or more) material possessions. To me it doesn’t really matter what a person has. If they have more then me, then they have more.

If they have less, they have less. Chances are they didn’t get it by working themselves. Most things are handed down to you from your parents because they can afford it. It’s not the child it’s the parent. I feel uncomfortable with people that are uncomfortable about themselves, and their own material possessions. Patricia McGrew Chapter 16 48.

In this chapter, Holden describes a little boy walking along a curb singing “if a body catch a body coming through the rye.” The parents are just walking, but the boy is making a game out of the walk. Can you recall a time when you were younger, that although you were with your parents, you were completely observed in what you were doing? There were many times like that. My parents and I used to live by the ball park. When we walked there I would always imagine myself playing. Even though I was like 5. After the baseball game we would walk home.

My sister and I would always race the half block home. Our parents would always tell us to stop but we never cared to pay attention. We were way to into who was going to make it first. Whoever lost would get eaten by the bugs that crawled the ground. By the time our parents were home and we were waiting on the porch we had already been grounded for not paying attention. Patricia McGrew Chapter 17 52.

It is probably true that at times nearly everyone in high school agrees with the following excerpt from the story: “It’s full of phonies, and all you do is study so that you can learn enough to be smart enough to be able to buy a goddam Cadillac some day, and you have to keep making believe you give a damn if the football team loses, and all you do is talk about girls, and liquor, and sex all day, and everybody sticks together in these dirty little goddam cliques.” What coping strategies would you suggest to someone who feels the way that Holden does? I would tell Holden that it eventually ends. Highschool eventually ends and people grow up. Unless you stay in highschool your whole life you don’t have the sort of drama. There is still drama but not as bad. I feel the same way Holden does. School is full of a bunch of fake people who don’t have direction of their own in their lives.

People feast on others ideas to help them grow. More people need to learn to think for themselves. Hopefully they will be able to one day. Patricia McGrew Chapter 18 55. At the end of this chapter Holden threatens suicide. “If there is ever another war, I’m going to sit right the hell on top of it.” Holden’s threat is so exaggerated that it is difficult to take him seriously.

Have you ever known anyone who threatens suicide as part of his or her normal conversation? Under what circumstances do you think these threats should be taken seriously. I don’t see Holden’s comment as a threat. A lot of people make comments like, “I’ll die if this happens.” Or, “this is going to kill me.” Usually you can tell by a persons tone of voice. If a person is going to actually kill themselves from saying it then the person is obviously messed up.

Lots of people say things similar in everyday conversations. It’s never been anything to worry about. Patricia McGrew Chapter 19 56. In this chapter Holden tries to make a connection with Luce. Their conversation does not go well. Luce no longer is the same boy who bragged about his sexual exploits in high school.

Luce is not enjoying Holden’s company and quickly finishes the drink and leaves. Holden is left alone and lonely once again. What could you say to Holden that might help him understand the reasons for Luce’s behavior. You could say, “Sometimes people change. They don’t like to live past experiences or memories because they believe it makes them a bad person. Everyone soon grows the same way.

There are always going to be things you regret in life. Something more so then others.” Luce just happened to regret the way he acted in highschool and found it immature that Holden was doing the same. Patricia McGrew Chapter 20 57. Some critics believe that Holden idealizes his brother Allie. If they are correct, why do you suppose Holden stops visiting Allie’s grave? A later from Holden to his brother and tell him why you don’t visit anymore. Dear Allie, Since your death things have been difficult.

I’ve been failing out of various schools and things with the family have been falling apart. Sometimes people tie families together and you happened to be the person that did it. When ever I go to your grave to visit you I feel as if a huge part of me is dead. You were someone that held the family together.

Now I don’t feel as connected to the family. Coming and visiting you at your grave only depresses me and that’s why I must stop. Patricia McGrew Chapter 21 61. What conclusions could you draw from the fact that Phoebe wants to keep the broken pieces of record? It seems as if Phoebe values her brother vary much. By keep the broken pieces she is showing her love for her brother I believe. She is showing them that no matter how much the family breaks she will always be there.

She seems like a very sincere and nice person. She doesn’t seem like the kind of person to hurt anyone purposely. Patricia McGrew Chapter 22 Holden’s negative attitude frustrates Phoebe. She says, “You don’t like anything that’s happening.” Have you ever known anyone who sees gloom everywhere? How does it feel to be around someone like this. I know quite a few people like this. I think we all have our times.

Depending on weeks and events that occur. Although I get very upset sometimes I always try to keep a smile on my face. Even if nothing is going right in my life. That way I don’t depress people myself.

It’s always nice to help someone else. Patricia McGrew Chapter 23 66. Holden descirbes Mr. Antolini as the best teacher he’s ever had.

In you opinion, what qualities must the ideal teacher possess? I believe the ideal teacher should be compassionate and caring towards the students. That the ideal teacher would be able to see from a child’s point of view and help them out when they needed it. Also a teacher would be able to make learning fun. Very few teachers are able to do that in most cases. A teacher should be able to draw every type of student in to the conversation. Whether their ethnicity or their mental capacity.

Patricia McGrew Chapter 24 68. Mr. Antolini tries to convince Holden that an academic education is valuable. He reminds Holden that educated and scholarly men are able to contribute something valuable to the world. How do you usually react when an adult in your life gives you a lecture on the importance of getting a good education or something similar. Depend on how close the adult and I are.

If I know the adult actually cares about me and my future I will listen. Other wise I usually come to believe that the adult is merely there to lecture. I believe that in order to get somewhere in life you must learn and be able to do certain processes. But having an adult lecture you on how to do most isn’t the way to learn. That usually only makes kids rebel. Patricia McGrew Chapter 25 70.

Holden fantasizes about going out west and working in a gas station. He wants to be a deaf mute so he does not need to have any useless conversations with anyone. Have you ever felt that you didn’t want to see or talk with anyone. There are a lot of days when I think I would be better off not speaking to anyone. There are times when everyone needs a break from societies dumb tales. If you were to pretend to be a deaf mute why would you need to know any useless information.

Like how to listen for certain words in a movie. It’s a way to get away from people. Patricia McGrew Chapter 26 73. Frequently the last paragraph of the story may imply a great deal. Reread the last paragraph of the novel. What if anything does the paragraph suggest to you about Holden and his future.

He says, “don’t ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.” In a way I think Holden has grown up and he has realized his faults of his encounters with people. I believe he eventually realizes his immaturity. I think it’s a sign that he’s going to go back to school and apply himself.