The Cabby “Hey, horwitz come in my office I need to talk to you” aww fer chrisakes im off work what the hell do you want”for one respect your boss” Frank said in his bitter voice knowing I did not care “frank shut the hell up your in the taxi business. You can’t afford to fire me, but on the other hand I cant afford to take that risk so what do you want mr. Marys,” I said with a twinge of sarcasm. Frank was sitting in his chair when I walked in he was messing with all the papers on the desk making himself look busy. Frank was a short, fat man with gray hair and his choice of clothes were always a white shirt black paints and suspenders. Frank was a typical stereotyped taxi driver he didn’t even have his own home this taxi building was his home he slept in taxi ten every night.
He was broke and barely had money to keep the taxi bussiness open but he knew nothing else so I felt kinda bad for him ha, fer chrisakes Im just kidding. “Horwitz, your probably not gonna take this well but I’m extending your hours from 8 to 16 hours a night. I’ve also gotta lower your wages I just can’t afford it anymore,” he said in a nervous tone knowing I get angry really easy. “Fer chrissakes Frank how am I gonna make a living. You know where I live now? Yea in a run down building with barely any furniture fer chrisakes I can barely afford where I’m living now and you want to decrease my wages that’s low fer chrisakes that’s low.”I had to do it Horwitz, I’m goin under and unless I do this your goin with me I need a new taxi and I have bills to pay.”Look at this place Frank I mean take a good look at it is it really worth it this place is in shambles everything needs repaired is it worth keeping.”Humph… Well look at the time that went well, so as you can see I need to lose some weight, Horwitz, so I’ll walk you out the door.” Frank replied with a chuckle as if what he said was funny and we were just two buddies talking “By the way this goes in affect tomorrow, be on time.”The hell with you,” I said as I walked out the door already half drunk from the flask of whiskey I drank after work.
I fumbled with my keys and finally got the door to my car open, after several times of missing the keyhole. I pulled away from the building and pulled onto an empty street. The street was gli sining, the moons reflection shined off of the street. I felt that the moon was my only friend, lonliness set over me my tires screamed as I accelerated from the red light the sound of lonliness, water splashing as it went through puddles. I swerved a little almost hitting a stop sign as I ran right through it. The night was late and I wanted to get to the bar before it closed.
Horwitz could become his usual drunkin self unlike the phony man who drove the taxis all day long. This was his real home and the downfall of his weekly checks used to buy beer whiskey anything that could get him drunk enough to forget about the miserable life he had. I pulled up to Larry’s tavern the local bar and parked on the street half up on the curb half on the road and staggered out of the car and entered the bar I sat at my usual end of the bar alone “hey la la larry fetch me some whiskey” I said in a drunkin mans voice. “Horwitz, go home ill call a taxi, your already drunk enough just get home and get yourself some sleep”Larry don’t you patronize me you know damn well you don’t care, so give me my whiskey and fer chrissakes leave me alone. I kept drinking and somewhere through all this a man sat down next to me he had the build of a truck driver someone that shouldn’t be messed with I found out.
“Hey buddy, get the hell away from me I don’t want to talk to anyone fer chrisakes.” I really don’t know why I said it I didn’t care if he sat there but I guess the alcohol and being drunk made me stupid. “Hey bud get your ass up” he said insinuating that he wanted to fight I just sat there. “Hey bud did you here me I said get the hell up” he took his hand and knocked the glass out of my hand it flew through the air and shattered into a million pieces the bar went completely silent. “Both of you get the hell out of my bar I don’t want know fighting take your bussiness outside or ill call the cops” Larry yelled in his toughest sounding voice but the trucker didn’t listen. The trucker grabbed a chair and threw it at a mirror hanging on the wall to show that he was not leaving without a fight. Me, not wanting to fight headed for the door, but a blow to my head stopped me in my tracks and I hit the ground like a brick falling from the sky fast and heavy.
They say all hell broke loose after this or that’s what I heard from my regular passengers I had know idea I was out cold. “Uhh, fer chrissakes what happened” I asked myself as a car went by and drenched me with water from last nights rain. “Dammit I’m late for work” I said as I looked down at my watch I found my car and slowly got in drenched and cold almost to the point of freezing. I walked into the taxi stations “your late I told you not to be late didn’t I and you look like hell, too bad though, get the heck out there, were loosing money the more you stand there.” He said with as much anger in his voice as he could he wasn’t a very intimidating man so it never worked ” Frank your not worth it what would you do if I quit? Or how bout I take my fist and pound you to the floor how bout that well see whos laugh in then tubby, but no your not worth it you don’t even deserve to walk the ground I stand on”whoa calm down now,” he said while backing up. “I know and you know your not quitting you would be screwing yourself you have nowhere else to go.
I mean you ” re a worthless man you have no schooling, no skills besides driving a taxi,” He tried to say this in an intimidating voice but he was still backing away for his office door. “fer chrissakes I quit Frank” I said unsure of myself “hey, the keys are in the taxi all ready I’ll see you later” he said confidently knowing I had no choice. “Dammit” I entered the taxi and took off angered at Frank and still wondering what had happened last night at the bar. “Where to lady” I growled “hold on a second let me think”lady fer chris sakes where to I aint got all day” I said.