Censorship is a main theme in , maybe the theme in which it is most known for because it explains what the world is coming to. In the world of Fahrenheit 451, books are burned because they cause people to actually think and this scares the government, which is unwanted in their society. What’s different about censorship in Fahrenheit 451, is that it seems to have began with the people, not the government wanting to control them. People were very unhappy and curious, so the government wanted to remove the heart of their unhappiness and change their lives with the violent activities that would prevent them from thinking and being curious. Censorship in different forms continues to be a part of our lives, even though it’s not so noticeable or strict as in Fahrenheit 451.
Schools just like ours are always banning books in efforts to censor what is read and taught. Today, the same people that try to censor our schools also censor the media. The censorship we experience now I think results from the same reasons as in Fahrenheit 451. As Beatty explained to Montag, they burn books because the ideas in the books offend “minorities.” The word “minorities” to me from reading Fahrenheit 451 refers to more than just one group of people, instead its about everyone. Any people with the same interest or background are considered a minority, even teachers. When everyone is seen as a minority anyone can be offended easily.
One of the main reasons books are banned in the world of Fahrenheit 451 is that books offend minorities, which means any group of people with the same interest or background as I was explaining earlier. With all the drama in our country today, where really anything can be considered offensive to some one, the world of Fahrenheit 451 may be more real than many of us would like it to be. These are just a few reasons why Fahrenheit 451 should not be banned from school. This book teaches our children the dark truth about what society as we know it is coming to. In reading this novel it gives our children and their future a little more truth and hope for the world as we know it..