September 11, 2001 On September 11, 2001, I was living in Puerto Rico. That day I woke up like every morning, ate my breakfast, and went to high school. At that time I was in the Business Club, so I only had four classes. In the biology class, my teacher left to talk to other teachers, and when she returned to the classroom, she looked so concerned, as if something had happened. She was the best teacher, and we had a lot of trust in her, so we asked her what was wrong. She told to us that the had been attacked by terrorists.
“What are the Twin Towers?” we asked her. She told us that the Twin Towers were the most important symbols of the United States. They had about 110 floors. However, she didn’t know too much about the tragedy, so we finished the class ten minutes early. After that, my classmates and I went to our jobs.
All of us were in business, and we had to work as practice-; this was a requirement to pass the course. While I was walking to my job, I saw that the roads were empty. There was not a lot of traffic like regular days. I was walking with my best friend, so we said, “What the heck is going on here?” It was so strange because everybody was in the stores watching TV, and that was the first time that we had seen the town like this. We started to get worried. When I got to my job at 10: 40 am, I saw the office empty.
There were just the employers, and I asked the secretary why the office was so empty. She told me to watch the news. I was watching TV and I started to understand what was going on. I saw an airplane hitting one of the twin towers, and everybody was crying. It was horrible. Then, I saw when the twin towers were going down with a big explosion.
Everybody was running, trying to save themselves, but for a lot of them it was impossible. A lot of innocent people died. That day, I thought a lot about the terrorist attack. I was trying to understand the reason why they wanted to kill us, and what we had done to them to have them attack our country. I was afraid because I thought that maybe they would attack Puerto Rico since we are part of the United States.
With this disaster, I learned that I need to be very close and happy with the people who I love because I don’t know when will be the last time that I am going to see them. Moreover, if something bad happened to one of my family members, I wouldn’t like to feel bad because I didn’t show them how much I love them. Since that happened, every time I go to school or any other place, I give a kiss to my parents, and I try to be nice to all the people who I love. I try to argue less with my brother because if something happened I don’t want to feel like I was a bad sister. Another thing that I learned was that I always need to be prepared for any disaster that could happen. It could be a terrorist attack, nature, or an accident I always need to be aware where all the exits are if I am in a building or any other place, and what I am going to do if something happens.
I learned that if I am going to work, I am not going to work in a building of more than five floors, and I can prevent a lot of disasters that could happen to me in the future.