High School People One Preps

Classification Essay – Rough Draft Whether you went to in 1973 or 2003, the people you hung out with defined who you were. Some of us were Jocks, some Geeks, some Preps, some of us bounced from one to another, to another. Never staying long enough to wear at their welcome, just long enough to gain some respect from their newly acquired friends, then dropping them like a bad habit for someone “cooler.” Unfortunately every one has experienced the discomfort of being rejected by their peers for not being cool enough to hang out with. Its just a part of life, you discover later on down the road that popularity isn’t the cornerstone for success. But in High School, its all that matters.

If you were to walk the halls of a High School today you’d find that nothing has really changed since you last attended. Just about everyone can be classified into one or two of the following groups, whether they like it or not. Jocks/Cheerleaders If you were a Jock or Cheerleader, the school was virtually yours. Most of the time, the school revolved around these people. No matter how loud or obnoxious they were, people still seemed to idolize them.

Usually, if they ” re not on drugs, they know someone who is, and they can probably find some for you, depending on how much your willing to spend. In the eyes of Jocks and Cheerleaders, you ” re either in or you ” re out. There’s no gray area. And in the eyes of everyone else, they can do no harm.

Preps The close cousin of the Jocks, Preps wouldn’t be caught dead coming to school in sweat pants and a t-shirt. They ” re always dressed to impress. Only the trendiest clothes will do. It’s not just the clothes that define Preps; it’s the car as well. They drive cars that are more expensive then what most teachers can afford, and nine times out of ten; their parents foot the bill. The worst parts about Preps though are their attitudes, and their drug problems.

Most can be snobbish and stuck up, walking over people as if they ” re human doormats, and not giving it a second thought. Showing up to school high as a kite is a normal occurrence, the funny part is most of the time their parents are footing the bill for that too. Rednecks/Kickers/Cowboys These are the guys that came to school in camouflage, with boots that are caked by mud, in trucks that you could park a car under. Everything revolves around seasons with these guys: deer season, duck season, turkey season, and so on. If you ” re going to get into a fight, you want them on your side. They always know where the parties at.

And if its homemade moonshine you want, they can probably get it for you. Social status doesn’t mean very much to most Kickers, but Rodeo does, and they wouldn’t have it any other way. Skaters/Surfers “Dude… that wave was totally gnarly man!” In the world of Skaters and Surfers, life is one big adrenaline rush. They live in their own world, by their own rules.

Most don’t need drugs to get high, just an awesome wave or two, or maybe a couple of great tricks, and they ” re set. Fashion isn’t a huge concern, whatever they happen to find at a thrift store or in a Mall. As long as its lose, baggy, and comfortable. That’s all that matters.

School is more of a nuisance to these guys, they’d rather be doing what they love, and that’s looking for their next adrenaline rush. Goths/Hippies Not much can be said about this group, except that they ” re misunderstood, and they like that. Whatever the norm is, they want to be completely opposite. Maybe they really are weird, or maybe they just do it for shock value, whatever the case may be. Go tsh and Hippies live in worlds that are for the most part “out of this world.” Nerds/Geeks You know the people I’m talking about, the bookworms who studied relentlessly to get straight A’s. God forbid if they should receive a B, the whole world might end.

They are the Bill Gates of the future. People will one day tremble at the feet of their Fortune 500 companies. One day they ” ll trade in their bifocals for sleek Calvin Klein glasses and suspenders for Armani suits, but until then, they ” ll always be tormented and taunted. Not much has changed in high school or society as a whole, no matter where you go, people are always going to judge you.

At least now you know what theyre probably thinking in that little head of theirs. And at least youll have the satisfaction of being able to label them too.