Cognitive Development
Pre school – 0-4 yrs… Learning occurs through motor activity and the senses… (piaget). Has the ability to understand object permanence, as well as face recognition. (piaget).
First utterances for the purpose of communication. (Vygotsky). Auto cosmic play occurs, where the child explores their own body. Symbolic / pretend play also occurs. (Erikson)
Early years – 5-9 yrs… Logical classification begins to appear with intuitive and symbolic thinking.
(piaget). Egocentric. Assimilation is dominant over accommodation.
Assimilation – taking new material from the outside world and fitting it into one’s already existing structures.
Accommodation – adjusting the structure in reaction to the newly incorporated material.
(Piaget). Games of Construction occur near the end of this stage of cognitive development. It represents the transition between symbolic play and non-playful activities where the child may learn about measurement, balance, etc… Not yet developed the ability to discern higher order relations. (Sternberg)
Middle years – 10-12 yrs… Able to apply logical abilities to objects and events…
(piaget). Can solve concrete problems. De centered attention – the ability to focus on more than one feature simultaneously in the environment… Cognitive structure provides meaning and organization to experiences and allows the individual to think abstractly and make inferences at a higher level. (Bruner). Spatial relationships can be understood…
Concept of time, movement, chance… Understanding the law of conservation of matter.
Senior years 13-14 yrs… Hypothetical and abstract reasoning occur along with decision-making skills, memory operations and language-related skills that develop…
Altruistic thinking. Convergent and divergent problem solving occurs… Identity, according to Erikson, occurs in the adolescent stage and is a deeper level/ higher level of self-awareness.
Middle years 10-12 yrs… Increased hand-eye coordination… Pubescent growth spurt occurs, approximately age 10 for females and age 12 for males.
Pituitary glands secrete hormones and an increase in growth and rapid weight gain is noticed… The onset of puberty may occur, causing an increase in estrogen in females and testosterone in males leading to genital maturation. Along with menstruation in females and production of sperm in males… Pubic hair and armpit hair begin to grow… Development of breasts in females and an increase in fat cells… Deeper voice in males, shoulders broaden and facial hair developed.
Cerebral cortex becomes thicker.