College Athletes Gambling Internet Ncaa Players

When you are watching your favorite college team play in a championship game and the team is winning, then all of sudden the other opponent comes back to win by some kind of miracle. Do you ever wander if that game was fixed? We ” ll if your answer is yes, then your probably right. This is a major problem for the NCAA, to sports clean on the collegiate level. A problem that used to go unnoticed, but now it is major concern for universities and the NCAA program. Gambling by college student athletes has become one of the greatest concerns among coaches and athletic directors around the nation. You have college players risking their athletic career betting or shaving points on their team for money.

Some players into gambling by accident, like for example, a friendly bet can turn into a gambling addiction. Some athletes get into gambling as a way to support themselves financial, since NCAA rules restrict college players from working. Although law enforcements have tried to fight gambling in college, it hasn’t stopped athletes from getting involved into gambling. Players that do get caught gambling lose a year of eligibility from playing on their team, and even lose all their eligibility (meaning that they may never again be able to participate in college sports). But college athletes will continue to gamble in school, unless the NCAA comes up with way to better help students financially.

Over the years, ever since college football and men’s basketball have become big, big business. The NCAA at least can give these college athletes something, rather its money to go to the movies or even laundry money. Universities get paid a lot of money for being in tournaments, I think they can least share the wealth and reward these players. Some experts say that internet is one of the problems why gambling in college is bad. With so many focused on betting, it is so easy for an athletic player to join a website based on gambling. Players can join under an alias name place his bet on a game, without every getting caught.

Web sites like Beton sports. com say “is setting odds and taking wages on the next developments on the war in Iraq.” Too often, in the world of sports, and increasingly in college athletics, Americans open the newspaper or turn on the television only to be met with stories of scandal – star athletes involved in point shaving, college-age bookies, illegal Internet sports betting (Good latte). Internet gambling has rose over the past five years, to having 1, 400 Web sites. But despite federal and state laws prohibiting sports gambling over the internet, operators continue to market their products in the United States. You see advertisement in magazines for gambling all the teasing kids to place bets on the internet. An NCAA study found that 5 percent of college athletes said they had wagered on games they were involved in and.

3 percent said they had tried to change the outcome of a game they had bet on (Arnold). Gambling over the internet is growing at such a high rate, that the NCAA urged senators to pass a legislation aimed to shut down gambling websites. Steven, a college student from Pennsylvania, is a straight-A student in high school. Already has a gambling debt of $30, 000 making college bets on internet (Nanda giri). The emergence of Internet gambling now enables students and athletic players to wager behind closed doors, anonymously, and with the guarantee of absolute privacy.