You ” re stupid; you smell. You cant ever do anything right! You ” re dirty, lazy and rude. You are truly nothing. My kind will always be better than yours. Why? Because I’m white.
Racism is a cruel disease and words like that should never be thought or spoken. Many people are tormented and teased because of their woman, or because they ” re disabled or because their skin is a different color. Racism is a huge problem in the United States and it needs to be solved before this disease spreads and infects more and more people. A main cause of racism is that some children are brought up by their parents to torment and batter their peers inside and outside of school. Children are great learners and many times if they see their parents tormenting another person or even saying vulgar things. Most children see this type of behavior when their young, and since their just starting out and learning they think that its okay to act in this manner.
This kind of behavior towards someone who is different is wrong and has many negative effects. Racism leads to suicides, attempted suicides and homicides. Another leading cause to racism is slavery. Slavery is a main reason that some whites always thought that they were superior to the .
If slavery had never taken place, then maybe the world would respect everyone for who they are and not for the color of their skin. But that’s not the case. The case is that we have racism and we had to deal with slavery. Some of the white race was upset when slavery was put to an end and didn’t want blacks shopping at their local supermarkets, going to their local cinemas, using the same publish bathrooms as them, working in the same work areas as them, or having their children go to school with their children. So to stop the black race from being able to use these public places, the whites would put signs in their windows saying, “Whites Only” There were many great African American hero’s who stuck up for their kind, and took a stand for their human rights so that they would be treated the same as everyone else. Rosa Parks was one of the many famous African Americans hero’s who stood up for her rights.
Instead of giving up her seat on the bus for a white Americans she decided to stay seated, she took a stand and didn’t get up out of her seat because she knew it was her right, even though at the time they didn’t exercise equal rights. If it wasn’t for Rosa parks (Biography. Com) or for the many other African Americans who stood up to the act of discrimination then there might still be signs in windows that say “Whites Only” Jane Elliot was in her classroom one day and asked her students what they thought about the black race. She got this response, “Their dirty, their rude, they smell. They aren’t the same as us.” When Elliot heard this response she right away knew that she had to change something so that her students didn’t think this way about black people. This is when Elliot came up with her Brown-eyed, Blue-eyed Lesson (Drake).
She split up her class into the brown-eyed group and the blue-eyed group. She treated one group with disrespect and the other group as if they were superior. By the end of the lesson many students were upset and hurt, but when Elliot revealed her reason for the essay they understood and didn’t feel as bad as they did when the lesson had started. Elliot’s lesson had changed many of her kids’ perspectives on the African American race.
In conclusion, there have been many attempts to change people’s perspectives on racism. Though not everyone is going to change their minds about racism, it is worth the effort to teach them that racism needs to be banished from our everyday lives. Yes, we are all the same, and yes we feel hurt and embarrassed when someone puts us down. The best way to teach that racism is wrong is to use Jane Elliot’s Brown-eyed, Blue-Eyed lesson (Drake). It really puts the abuser in the victims shoe to show them what they are doing is wrong, and with that they may think that, “hey, we are the same, and that there isn’t a difference between us other than our skin color.” Everyone should really try to learn from Elliot, and maybe try to go on and teach her lesson to other people. The Disease of racism spreads more and more everyday, lets come together and use a vaccination to stop this disease from harming more people than it needs to..