Although two films share similar issues My evokes sympathy in the viewer while Forrest Gump is a more inspirational film. The Dark, gloomy and bare clobbered streets of the depression gives my left foot a cold and negative setting. The sad but true story of Christy shows of his struggle through life in the its atmosphere is so totally different to that of the move Forrest Gump. Although the two films follow the life of a disabled person he way their stories are told is different.
My left foot evokes sympathy in the viewer while Forrest Gump is am ore inspirational film. The sad, true story of Christy Browns life is set in the gloomy dark streets of during the time of the depression. His story has been portrayed with a negative view. The scenes and Christy’s character… Forest Gump on the other hand makes you believe anything is possible. With scenes full of warm, bright colours gives a joyous happy felling.
Forrest Gump being set in the later time periods of the 40’s has a totally different atmosphere to My Left Foot. It is inspirational film with forests character the sort that really reaches out and touches the audiences hearts. The film fills the viewers with hope as they follow Forrest’s journey through life. Both Stories are told with the aid of flashbacks. This allows for… Society often sets unofficial boundaries for those disabled or different.
Both Forrest Gump and my left foot make it clear the no mater what time period of place people in society have different attitudes to any disability. Both Forrest and Christy were seen by their society as disadvantaged. Forrest with his slower mental capability and Christy who only had is functional left foot. When Forrest shared with others what he had seen & done many laughed. “Dream On” they would say, in disbelief that he could achieve what he did. He was too ‘stupid’.
In Christy’s case he jus didn’t interact much with those outside his family. Even his father was too ashamed and embarrassed to introduced ‘crippled’ Christy to the community as his son. Teenage girls in my left Foot cruelly laughed at the love note Christy had genuinely created and sent to a friend. Jenny’s harsh words ‘you don’t know what love is” broke Forrest heart.
These Women believed that a disabled person couldn’t love. Because of their own disability people thought Forrest and Christy were less capable of dealing with the struggles and hardships of life. Shunned by Society how did these two men ever get through life? Thank God both Forrest and Christy had their mothers. They were loved. A kind of love that would never be replaces. From the start momma Gump had been Forrest’s guiding thrust in life.
Alone she had raised Forrest to try hardest, never give up and she never stopped telling him that he was no different to anyone else. To Forrest her word was truth. Christy’s mother always knew that her son was more than a dumb cripple. Inside she knew he had a whole lot to say. She helped him in anyway she could. In a way Christy was luckier that Forrest.
Christy had all his brothers and sisters as well. They too gave Christy their love. They shared their fun and love for life with them… They stood by him and were always ready to lend a hand. Forrest and Christy got the most they could out of life thanks to those who cared and believed in them. A very important point showed in these two films is that a person has got to believe in themselves to get to where they want to go.
Forrest and Christy had very different attitudes towards their personal disabilities. Forrest born with a low IQ was quite na ” ive and didn’t really realize how people behaved and treated him differently. His momma had taught him to try at life and take every opportunity that came his way. Forrest was physically capable but lacked the brain power and intelligence. But he didn’t let this or his once faulty legs slow him down. He kept on going.
Christy on the other hand had so much he wanted to do and say but no way to say it. His feelings of frustrations, anger, hatred and even love were all bottled up inside. Christy hated going out in public and the way people whispered and stared. Christy was an intelligent man. And was very aware of the world and how society saw him, and sadly this affected how he saw himself… He realized he was in a poor situation and his family could do little to help.
He let this get him down. His frustrations just grew and grew. just needed an outlet. They just wanted their differences to be accepted.