Children Child Evil Society

Children are born with a pre- destined template that determine their individual and unique characteristics. Although we are all different, we share similar qualities. Society welcomes people who are kind, honest and genuine. A parent’s goal is to raise a child that is accepted by society.

As children grow parents continually teach their children to do the right thing and be kind to others in order to be well equipped for the adult world. Additionally, a parent will attempt to suppress a child’s dark side by punishing them when they misbehave. In William Golding’s, Lord of the Flies, we are shown the dark, evil nature of man through a group of young British boys. Children are born unable to determine the difference in right and wrong.

Parents are constantly instructing their young to do the right thing through modeling behavior, school, church and movies. When a child doesn’t share one’s toys, the parent will intervene and encourage the child to make the right choice. If children were left alone to make right decisions, there would be bedlam among our youth that would eventually lead to a society filled with chaos. The idea of training a child to do what is morally acceptable prepares them to be welcomed by the adult world. Romans 7: 14-25 says, “I don’t understand myself at all, for I really want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do the very thing I hate.

I know perfectly well that what I am doing and my bad conscience shows that I agree that the law is good. But I can’t help myself, because it is sin inside me that makes me do these evil things.” An adult with an understanding of right and wrong continually commits evil acts. Priests who are supposed to be model citizens, are committing acts of child molestation. The same people that are training and teaching children to be kind are committing evil acts. Think before you act is a common saying among society. If humans were born good instead of evil, we would not have to think before we acted.

Sometimes, when we are extremely mad, we react in outrageous ways. This is when our savage side comes forth. The reason for this is that man is born evil and until the end of our lifetime we will have an inner struggle to make right choices. Children of neglectful parents are often victims of negative stereotypes. Many times it is the children without proper supervision or disciplinary restraints that are getting into trouble. Children of absentee parents are not instructed and shown through example how to behave.

They have not been disciplined when needed and therefore do not know the proper ways of succeeding. It is almost impossible to blame the kids for their behavior because they have not been taught. The Bible says, ” My child, don’t ignore it when the Lord disciplines you, and don’t be discouraged when he corrects you. For the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes those he accepts as his children.” It is a daily struggle to suppress our evil nature. The human race will continually cheat in order to win, lie in order to escape blame and steal in order to gain riches because those are our basic instincts.

Most of society agrees that lying, cheating and stealing is wrong, but we rationalize our behavior to get ahead.