One Voice Girl Find

I wandered onwards, the light overpowering my eyesight. Someone ahead of me was calling me to fight, to take control of what was happening. On the other hand I was weak and had hardly any strength to carry on. It was almost as if I was reanimating the little Tom & Jerry cartoons which I used to watch when I was younger. Where they had the devil telling Tom to do one thing on his right shoulder and then the angel on his left telling him to do the other.

Sadly I realised that no matter how hard this little guardian angel wanted me to turn around and be strong with what had happened-confront my fears, I knew that I was going to lean towards the devils side as I had nothing else to do. My brown hair swept casually over my shoulder. I flickered my eyes from left to right cautiously watching for any sudden unexpected movements. Gradually I managed to pull myself towards a sheltered area of woodland area. The old rhyme my dad had used to tell me spun around in my mind ‘death of midnight comes to those who wander openly, those who choose to enter will fall, those who are pushed will fly’. I had always wondered what he meant by it but I didn’t want to find out right this moment.

I clung to one of the old oak trees with their spangled and twisted branches reached out into a starlit night sky. I shuddered slightly and slid to the ground silently. Uncomfortably I kicked a few of the rocks and tried to settle myself. Gradually I felt myself drifting away into a world where no one would be able to harm me. ‘ Get away from her!’ He slid a tiny little blade from his pocket are you going to do the honours little girl? Little girl? Little girl? His snide little smile glared in my mind. His thick gelled hair.

Menacing eyes. I saw a tiny glint of gold shine from his mouth. Gold tooth perhaps or maybe a tongue stud? Then spirals of multi colours, flashing dots and again more. “NOOOO OOO!” Surprised by myself I jumped up. I had kicked and tossed so much I was a good few meters from where I had fallen asleep. What was wrong with me I hadn’t done anything wrong.

It wasn’t me who had done it to her. ‘No but they won’t believe that it wasn’t you. You were the only one with her. There was no burglary. You let me in.’ I spun around trying to find the voice that had spoken. ‘It’s no use they ” ll never find me.

They ” ll find you though. I worked through you.’ “Get out” I yelled slamming my head to get the voice out of it. ‘It’s no good you know. You ” re stuck with me now until you get caught. And believe me you will! I’ll say about 20-30 years for that. Only then will you be free of me’…

“Oh hello Liz, you ” re a bit early tonight aren’t you? Never mind Cyndas’ just getting her nightwear on she ” ll be down in a minute. You know where everything is don’t you? We ” ll be back at a round ooh 10 ish I reckon,” she paused slightly “Are you alright? I can get someone else to do it if you want, I mean I know she’s a bit of a handful at times”No, it’s alright I’m fine. I’ve just had a bit of a funny head that’s all” I assured her Gladly she called out to her daughter to say goodnight and shut the door behind her. The phone rang in the hallway so I sprung out of my seat to answer. “Hello?” I asked expecting a familiar voice on the other end as I had asked one of my mates to phone me up with the goss about a party that I was missing. “No I ain’t one of your mates little girl-I shall be here in a minute and you will be found guilty” I dropped the phone as it felt burning hot.

I heard a soft nauseating laugh at the other end and then a sort of rushing wind leaping out from the speaker. “Liz what are you doing on the floor, you silly girlie!” came a giggling voice at the top of the stairs. “Nothing” I mumbled sheepishly wiping imaginative dirt off my trousers. Cowardly I pulled my school bag closer to my chest. Not today I whispered not today.