Date Rape What You Need To Know

“I knew him for a long time. We met through mutual friends, and we hit it off right away. He was good-looking and really nice so I accepted his offer to dinner. Afterwards, he invited me to his apartment to listen to some cd’s of the band we had discussed over dinner. As we listened to the music he began to touch me in inappropriate places. I told him to stop but he didn’t.

When I got up to leave and he pushed me into the bedroom, threw me onto the bed and raped me.” This story, like many others, is of a woman who was a victim of . Rape is an ongoing problem in the United Sates. In 2001, 249, 000 people were victims of rape. Of that 249, 000; 64, 000 were victim of attempted rape and 83, 000 were victim to completed rape. Approximately 66 percent of victims know their attacker (RAINN 2001). Date rape, or acquaintance, rape is not miscommunication between two people; it is a self-centered act by people who refuse to respect the feelings and boundaries of others.

Victims of sexual assault usually blame themselves because the majority of the attackers are known by the victim. No matter what, the attacker is always to blame. Sadly, less than half of rapes are reported to authorities. The most common reason rapes go unreported is that the victim fears reprisal from the attacker. Women are not the only target of rapist. Men are targets of rape just as women are sometimes assailants.

It may seem implausible, but women do sometimes commit rape. Male rapes are even more under reported than female rapes so the male rape toll may actually be higher than it is now. Approximately 3 percent of American men are victim of rape, per year. In 2001, one out of ten rapes were committed against men (RAINN 2001). Date rape drugs are used to make the sexual assaults easier and more acceptable. The most common date rape drug is alcohol, because it is the easiest to obtain.

Although to minors it is still illegal, overall it is not. The four major date rape drugs are GHB, rohypnol, ketamine, and ecstasy. GHB is also known, on the streets, as “Liquid G,”G,” or “Lazy Boy.” This drug comes in a white powder and can be mixed with any kind of liquid. Within 15 minutes of indigestion, affects of GHB are apparent. Some affects include those similar to alcohol. Large doses cause hallucination, dizziness, and nausea.

GHB mixed with alcohol may cause the central nervous system to shut down and could induce coma or even death. “Rookies” or “roaches” are how people on the street refer to rohypnol. This is a small white tablet that has a single line or cross-score on one side and “Roche” with either a 1 or 2 encircled on the other side. Effects of rohypnol begin within 30 minutes and peaks within 2 hours. It is known to last up to 8 hours or more depending on the dosage. Memory impairment, drowsiness, visual disturbance, and impaired motor skills and judgments are adverse effects.

Ketamine is yet another type of date rape drug. Common street names are “special K,”K,” and “Vitamin K.” Although it is found in powder and pill form, ketamine usually comes in a liquid form. A person drugged with ketamine usually experiences their mind separate from their bodies or an “out of body” experience. It can also stop the feeling of pain and lower the heart rate. Lastly, “Bean,”E,”M,”XTC,” as known on the street or ecstasy, its pharmaceutical name, comes in a colorful, branded tablet. Psychological difficulties such as confusion, depression, sleep problems, and drug cravings, are result of ecstasy.

Muscle tension, nausea, and chills or sweating are a few of the physical affects (Date Rape Drugs 2001). If you decide to go to a party, always go with a group of people or double date. Never leave with someone you did not come with, especially if they have been drinking. Remember most victims of acquaintance rape know their attackers.

It is easy to get carried away at parties. After all, your intent is to have fun, not worry about what could happen afterwards, except for the possibility of a hangover the next morning. Protect yourself from potentially being drugged by always being aware of your surroundings. Remember to never leave your drink unattended, and always get your own drinks or accept an unopened container.

If you feel sick, get help immediately! Also, have fun, just remember to if you are not careful you could end up a statistic.