The Dead Poets Society The movie The Dead Poets Society was an incredible story about growing and learning to think for yourself. In this movie the English teacher, John Keating stresses the phrase “!” (Seize the day) to inspire his students to “suck the marrow out of life” and become free thinkers. To me, it was amazing to see how one mans inspiration can break a mold of students who did not think for themselves, and get them to start living a life where they chose their own fate. The characters of Charlie, Todd, Neil, Steven, and Knox are all moved in different ways by what their English teacher (Keating) expresses to them. The characters in this movie all grow and change through Mr. Keatons English class.
All of these students’ parents had careers and lives planned out for them when they send them to their school. Everything was orderly and nobody disobeyed what their parents will was, they simply accepted what they were given and didn’t say a word about it. That was, until they met Mr. Keaton. Neil Perry, for example, realized through Mr. Keatons teachings that he could not live with the life his father had chose for him.
Sadly this led to his suicide that was caused by the fact that his father just couldn’t understand his passion for acting and how his father forced him to become a doctor with out giving Neil any say in the matter. The suicide of Neil is very tragic, but if he hadn’t been convinced to free his mind from his fathers grasp he would have been miserable his whole life anyway. The other boys have a lower scale of consequences for freeing their minds, and most importantly, they were so much happier because they were really seizing the day any chance they had. Charlie is able to stand up to the headmaster and change his name to “No wanda” for a new identity, Todd is able to overcome his fear of public speaking and stand up for others, and Knox is able to get the girl he has fallen in love with. They use that line (Carpe Diem) as encouragement throughout the movie to lead them forward in their quests to conquer their dreams. This story teaches us how living life to the fullest and doing everything possible to make every second worthwhile is the best way to find fulfillment and happiness.
It is showed how one mans wise words can change many lives forever. Through this one phrase “Carpe Diem” amazing accomplishments are achieved, happiness is overwhelming, and contentment can finally be reached. Personally I think this movie has morals and is a great teacher to everyone who sees it about how to handle life and time. Especially how to “Carpe Diem!” After experiencing the movie and thoroughly thinking about the meaning of “Seize the Day” I have concluded that this movie was meant to make us think about how important it is to be our own person and make our own decisions because that’s the only way it is truly our lives. The movie has encouraged me to seize the day for myself and make my life as exhilarating as possible.
I really enjoyed this movie and feel as though I have grown as a person due to it.