Holy Sonnet X, written by John Donne, Ozymandius, written by Percy Bys she Shelley, Because I Could Not Stop For Death, written by Emily Dickinson, To an Athlete Dying Young, written by A. E. Houseman, and Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night, written by Dylan Thomas are all poems that deal with death and endings. These poems all deal differently with death.
Holy Sonnet X describes death very bluntly. This poem states that death doesn’t actually kill anyone. Death tries to kill people, but people go on to live in an afterlife and essentially live forever. While doing this it wears itself out and eventually dies. Ozymandius deals with a powerful king that died long before a traveler came upon it. This king built a statue of himself and the townspeople tore it down.
This deals with death in the way that people fade away in time as things change. Because I Could Not Stop for Death deals with death in the way that it will always be there. It states that a person should live life to its fullest because death could take them at any time. A person should always be ready to accept death. To an Athlete Dying Young deals with the death of a hero.
A young boy wins a race and is treated as a hero, but after a few days no one remembers who he was. This shows that when you die people remember who you were and not what you did. Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night describes death in the stages of people. Elderly people accept death, middle aged people try to fight it, younger people don’t realize what is happening until it is too late, and the sick people welcome death.