Death Is Good For Life

Death by itself is not very interesting but it is an enormously affecting and important part of anyone’s life. In innumerable cases over the centuries, it has been seen that it causes emotional disturbances in people who are left behind, although, it has yet to be scientifically proven or disprove n that it has any effect whatsoever on the dead. So, when a state, run by a body consisting of representatives of the people, awards death to a convict, it leaves little doubt that death will receive a very high level of attention, not due to curiosity in death but the objectivity and the sensibility of the award itself. The debate, however, presupposes that awarding a sentence to the guilty by law is not immoral. While the people, who oppose The are critical about the absence of empirical or circumstantial proof that The Death Penalty actually reduces crime, as a proponent of The Death Penalty, I hope to justify my belief and thought regarding this form of corrective justice, and would like to draw the reader’s attention on its usefulness in making life a better place to live. USA is one of the very few industrialized countries in the world, that practice capital punishment and uses lethal injections to execute criminals of all categories – even mentally ill and juvenile murderers.

It probably sounds harsh and morally wrong to end a human life when we cannot create one, but the death penalty is awarded to convicts who have committed heinous crimes and do not deserve the privilege to live in the society. Execution of such men and women frees the society of evil and justice is served to the families who have lost their near and dear ones. In most cases, the relatives of a victim feel a sense of closure in their minds, although, the pain in their hearts never diminish. The fear of death deters people from committing crimes that can result in capital punishment. When people associate an execution as punishment for crimes like manslaughter, they develop fear and hatred for such crimes. Children grow up with good moral values and are able to identify crimes that can lead them to their path of destruction.

Escaping the law, using age and inexperience as an excuse while committing pre-meditated murder does not hold good in a legal system that grants death penalty for such heinous acts. The lawmakers use death penalty as a weapon for establishing good rules and discipline for the government and people. They claim that their governments are fair and do not tolerate crimes, thus ensuring good law and order. They make sure that every citizen has faith in their governments when justice matters. The law keepers, like police have a strong say and a challenging task in such an environment. Together, they serve the population with a criminal free society.

In the end, I believe that death penalty has a profound effect on the convict himself. He realizes that he has committed a crime, so severe that he has lost the opportunity to live in the world. It brings fear in his mind about death, making him realize the feelings of his / her victims. Hopefully, the convict feels remorse for his actions and prepares himself for his last meal.

Sitting in the cell and counting the last days, hours, minutes and seconds is the most dreadful and pathetic moment for a criminal who will face execution. The death penalty, being the most severe form of punishment for a crime, helps in placing a human life at the highest level. As the society gets rid of the criminal, it becomes a safer place for people to live. I believe that the key to a progressive, powerful and economically successful society depends on a strong and fair legal system that can generate timely justice and bring closures to matters.