The has faced much opposition as of late. Many think that it is a morally acceptable punishment while others think it is wrong and immoral. Why does the system execute murderers? According to the law, those convicted of murder are supposed to be executed. The law is not always right but we have to obey it. The President himself supports the death penalty but that does not mean it is right. If it were right to execute murderers, then it would be okay to rape rapists.
But this is not the case because raping a rapist will only cause someone else to degrade his / herself by doing it. If the criminal justice system seeks to achieve justice, then the Bush government should abolish the death penalty because it is in just, expensive, it condemns the innocent to die, it’s racist and it punishes the poor in the society. According to the law, executing murderers prevents them from commiting the crime again but is it just? It is killing a murderer and according to the Bible murder is forbidden no matter what. No one has the right to take another’s life except God and so the justice system is as guilty as any murderer. A murderer should be sentenced to life imprisonment and be placed in a place with tight security to ensure he doesn’t come into contact with others to prevent more murders. He should undergo pain so as to make sure he has undergone some of the pain his victim or victims underwent.
He should do a lot of forced labor everyday to punish him thoroughly. If the government could come up with many ways to punish murderers other than killing them, murder cases would reduce. The President himself should start campaigning against the death penalty. The death penalty in most states takes funding away from states’ criminal justice programs. Capital cases result in much greater costs than non-capital cases because death penalty trials last far longer than other trials and more people are involved in capital trials. The cost of a capital case from start to finish, is approximately $ 2 million.
All that money could be put in better use if death penalty was abolished. These cases force local officials to make choices between the cost of the trial and other needed community services. If they choose to use the money on the case, it causes a great impact on the local budget and thus a disadvantage on the community because the funds get low. It is also unfair when a lot of funds are used and the case gets dismissed late due to insufficient evidence.
In some cases innocent people suffer a lot. An innocent person may get executed and a murderer goes free. This is very unfair to the innocent person and his family and friends. It is a disadvantage on the other part, whereby the murderer gets off his punishment and may end up killing more people. If there was no death penalty, innocent people would not have to die if unfairly convicted.
It would be an advantage for them if more evidence was uncovered to prove the person was innocent. In the United States, quality of justice is often continent on upon the financial resources of the defendant. Only the wealthy are able to hire the most highly competent attoneys. Meanwhile, a third of those on death row have no resources and therefore no attoneys through which to pursue appeals of their sentences.
The innocent on death row thus end up being executed. A black murderer of a white victim is likely to be executed unlike another murderer. In 82% of the studies, the race of the victim was found to influence the likelihood of being charged with capital murder or receiving a death penalty. Most of those executed in some states killed a white person, compared to those executed for killing black persons who were way much less. In the past 19 years since 1976, 88 black men have been executed for killing whites, while only two white men have been executed for killing whites. Some states such as Texas, Virginia and Florida, are among the most notorious, leading states during the regime of unlawful racist lynching for many decades in the States.
The only way to stop this type of racism is to do away with death penalty. Many countries such as Russia and South Africa have suspended executions because they are an utter failure. A country can survive without death penalty and stick to life imprisonment or other forms of punishment for convicted murderers. The government should not be reduced to the blood vengeance of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. The President himself is a great supporter for the death penalty and should just reconsider his decision and campaign against the policy. Otherwise, “An evil deed is not redeemed by an evil deed of retaliation in the taking of human life.
Morality is never upheld by legalized murder.” (Coretta Scott King).