Desert Solitaire Writes Part Simply

Draft of Essay 1

Edward Abbey was born January 29, 1927 in Indiana, Pennsylvania. He grew up in the Depression in a family always on the verge of poverty. His father worked many jobs to support the family. His mother taught school and played the organ in church. His father was a dedicated socialist. His mother was an early proponent of ordination for homosexuals.

Canyonlands National Park, Utah is where the season in Wilderness begins, specifically in the park which is his home base, he has a” little tin government house trailer” in which he lived for six months of summer during three different seasons, he watches over the Arches National Monument. He travels this expanse of land, containing arches, carved out by the desert rock over time of erosion I guess. Cleaning up after weekend tourists, looking for lost or confused hikers, and simply taking part in the world of nature, which surrounds him.

In the introduction of Desert Solitaire his love for the desert is easy to see. When he quotes “Those were all good times, especially the first two seasons when the tourist business was poor and the time passed extremely slowly, as time should pass, with the days lingering and long, spacious and free as the summers of childhood.” When you read the author talks about the desert so much its like the desert is playing a role.

Each essay in the book unfolds uniquely in its own way. The author is simply writing out of the world that he stays in. It is not hype or fun to him, it is simply just his world. But he explains it in a way as to draw every bit of goodness from it.

The author writes of things importance. He writes of the land surrounding him and its like he cherishes every moment. He writes to preserve the nature that he is a part of and it is disappearing so fast. He also writes so other people may also take part in enjoying nature.